Risen Phoenix

"Welcome to Meihomei's daily security information briefing, officers. You may call me Mister Tcha."   "Am I to assume you're not the same Mister Tcha as last briefing's?"   "Err, no. When during last briefing you pointed out that my medals could be used to identify me, I pointed out this concern, and Meihomei issued an edict amending the rules for wearing one's medals. If one is meant to be anonymous, one no longer needs to wear one's medals. This edict amended titles one-fifteen, one-sixteen, one-seventeen and one-eighteen. Thank you for your concern, please take your seats."   "Why am I here again? The agenda mentions a terrorist mostly active in NuovaFirenze and New Etrusca, while I've not yet gone west of Lai Dang in any official capacity."   "Risen Phoenix, chief of the Rebirth Cell of the Fenici First movement, is an elusive, dangerous foe. His aborted strike at a Tzekaukus Sailcloth plant was thought to be harmless, yet..."   "Yet?"   "Yet, he managed to escape the follow-up attempt to capture him in his lair."   "Surely, part of it is his superb field discipline, if he's managed to elude his enemies this long."   "I'm sure that's part of it..."   "And the other part?"   "I strongly suspect he's infiltrated both the New Etruscan and NuovaFirenzzane governments. or at least their security apparatus."   "And you believe this how?"   "It's the fifth attempt they've bungled between the two of them, and it always fails during the attempted capture, when he is no longer there. They never have leaks beforehand... Never have some more innocent explanation. Either he does not exist."   "Could he just not be a single person? Maybe he's just the name assigned to the spokesperson for his cell?"   "Hmm, that's an intriguing possibility, we know just a little bit more about the cell, just enough to know they have technical means my Service would envy."   "Our armed services are small, but technically adept, could they be larger?"   "No, I meant that. The cells we have found were all meant to copy this one central cell, and it had twelve members, all with assigned roles."   "Why are we concerned about them?"   "They've assassinated visiting diplomats and rulers before, it's their predilected target. And Bameimeito is visiting them now, on his holiday, but before he comes back, he has an official meeting, as the principal shareholder of Sirius, to discuss a new contract, they want Shadowstepper Pilders."   "Has Meihomei vetoed such an idea... yet?"   "Our service's recommendation that Shadowsteppers not be exported has not been followed through, it seems."   "Yet, if this Risen Phoenix, who clearly has ins in their government or security apparatus, got their hands on even a handful of suits, he'd be dozens of times more dangerous..."


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