River Blue

In the city of Sook Zenith, capital of the Hunarchate of Moniq.
  "Welcome, cousin and guest." Xiang Xhi, the Hunarch of Moniq, ruler of Moniq, a tall, curvaceous woman, greeted Amarat and Flora.   "Your majesty." Amarat replied, just as he had as a boy, and curtsied, leading Flora's hand to indicate she should do as well.   "Your majesty." Flora remembered meeting the woman in different circumstances, the flag bridge of a warship having different courtesies than the palace garden.   "Thank you for joining me, there is much to discuss, and while I'd love to discuss it with your aunt, she's unavailable."   "We'll do what we can, what is the issue?" Amarat's reply was wary.   "Sirius, and how it's playing hardball with the contract for my two Flycarriers." The ruler of Moniq wasn't pulling punches.   "I'm not at liberty to discuss Sirius." Amarat went from wary to 'oh I am in such trouble now' in two seconds flat.   "No?" Xiang's tone was tender, he was her step-son now, no sense in roughing him up.   "No, it's a point of Kagomine law, I'm their indirect part owner, on the condition I do not influence them." Amarat bit his cheek nervously.   "Oh, that's a very inconvenient condition." Xiang wanted to kick something, or throw something, arggh.   "I can take a message from your embassy to ours, adressed to them, perhaps?" Amarat offered.   "No, I've already sent two, and spoke to Meihomei over jade bank, there is willingness to help, but apparently, not ability..." Or perhaps, this is deliberate... thought Xiang.   "You can influence them now..." Flora interjected.   "What?" Amarat was dumbfounded.   "You passed your shares to me, remember?" Flora just beamed.   Amarat palmed his face.   "You're right, I forgot."   "So you can be of some help?" Xiang asked, suddenly very interested.   "Yes, but I will probably be banished to the couch for it..."   Both women giggled.   "Just how many of his shares do you own now, Flora?"   "I believe it is said, he passed them to me in toto."   "Just what did you do to deserve that! There's maybe a fifth of the nations in the G-12 whose budget is smaller than those shares of Sirius by now."   "Surely, you exaggerate."   "Perhaps, but consider, that I think you passed his mother and Meihomei herself, on the list of the richest women in Arnd."   "What?"   Desperate for a distraction, Flora asked: "What's that?"   "The River Blue, well it's called the River Sloshy there, but it is part of the River Blue."   "So mighty!"   "Yes, it is indeed. Lake Tassafaronga gives it so much water."   "That's upstream?"   "Yes, come, we can see it from upstairs."   They ascended to the top floor of Hunarch Palace of Sook Zenith, where indeed, the view was rather breathtaking, the dormant volcano's cone was truncated just enough to show the huge lake in its entirety, and the time of day meant the sun stained everything in sight with dawn colours.  
  "She was joking, right?"   "What?"   "I can't sleep, because of what she said. Me, the richest woman in Kagomei? That's ridiculous."   "You're richest, ex-aequo with my mother and my aunt, not richer. They own shares of Sirius too."   "Oh, is that all their money?"   "No, but neither is it where all yours is."   "I know you had Lunqui try to explain, but my brain melted after 5 minutes."   "It's simple, you own 33% of Burrshire Thataway, which owns 100% of Burrshire Fund Management, which owns, among other things, a third of Sirius Technologies."   "Among other things?"   "Well, it is their largest holding, but they own Sunset Travel, Food Preparation International, and some smaller things."   "You didn't mention Platinum Redoubt."   "That's not owned by Burrshire, that's owned by DeeDeeDeeVeeVeeVee Holdings. Of which I own 20% as largest single shareowner"   "Oh, so you're not destitute?"   "No, not quite."   "Who else owns DDDVVV?"   "Linus and Luci and the three dell'Auro sisters each own 16%."   "Oh, family company?"   "As befits a restaurant in Eurani City."   "Or in Sook Zenith, we going out tomorrow night?"   "Hmm, we should, I hear the duck is sublime at Three Red Peppers down the street."   "You hear? You've not been?"   "No, I've only explored two restaurants in Sook so far, and so far I've been unimpressed."  
The next day
  "Three Red Peppers is happy to welcome such Mei guests." The host spoke perfect Kagomine, he had to have been briefed.   "You are too kind. We would like a table, for two." Amarat asked, before more protocol got exchanged.   "Please follow me."   He took them to the fourth floor, at a corner booth, where the view was rather nice, showing off the mountain and some of the lake, but being half as high as the palace, it was less breathtaking. "Will this be suitable?"   "Surely, you jest, this is lovely, more than needed."   "We'll be fine." Added Flora, just wanting the Maitre gone. "Seat me, my Namei?" Amarat did as he was bid, while the Maitre bowed low.   Thirty seconds later, a waitress appeared, in traditional Moniqan clothes, with wooden sandals, a long red cotton dress with wide sleeves, whose slightly opened panels showed a layered set of blouses underneath, a name tag read Li Zhang. "What will Mei guests require today?"   "What would you recommend? We're new to this establishment, and indeed, to the city."   "If Mei guests appreciate fish, the freshwater Gaigang is much appreciated, it is caught fresh daily from the lake and the nearby river blue. We serve it with sliced tubers, root vegetables and a secret mix of spices. Otherwise, the chef recommends Yoté fren, served thinly sliced with seared tubers, spear vegetables, garlic butter and wine sauce."   "Both sound delicious. Amarat, let's have one of each and share, that way we can try both?" Flora opined.   "Sure Flora, that does sound delish."   "I will let the chef know you're here, he's a fan of your work." Li added.   "My work?" Amarat sounded uncertain.   "At The Redoubt, the plebes may not know, but we insiders do, my cousin worked for you for a time, too." Li beamed.   "Oh, Filixaterra Zhang?"   "How'd you guess?" Li seemed torn with pride that he recognized, but disappointed it had been that obvious.   "Family resemblance, you're just as ravishing as she is." Amarat's compliment flowed, Li blushed harder.   "Amarat! You really want to sleep on the couch?" Flora's barb flew.   "Aw, no..." Amarat looked like a three year old boy caught with his hand in the cookie jar.   "What is that?" Amarat, looking for a distraction, pointed to the wall, where one section looked raised half a floor higher than the next.   "That's the earthquake and flood-defense marker, should there be a flood or quake event, you are to seek shelter under the nearest table, until it passes, or until our staff can evacuate you to safety."   "So, under our table? Does it happen often?"   "Thankfully no, perhaps every twenty years, there is a quake or flood on the Asirania plains. Much like Megamisama, I'm told, while Innu and other such places have more frequent events."   "Not many outside of Innu, let alone Kagomei know of Innu's disasters."   "Well, you and your mother did make the news here last year, bringing them aid, and heroically starting the rebuild. The Hunarch also pledged some support from our surplus, it was quite a topic for conversation for weeks here."   "I remember the aid, it was much appreciated. Did many Moniqans protest?"   "No, since it was mentioned quite clearly that it was surplus, sending them to an ally in need, was shrewd. And we were repaid when your mother formed the Treaty of Lai Dang, finding strong markets for grain and foodstuffs as well as entering into the treaty itself. Moniq has not been quite so strong economically in quite some time. And many attribute it to the goodwill generated then and since."   "I had no idea, I thought my part in Innu was to be kept secret."   "You tried to appear as a tourist, both you and your... Hérévallin, is that right word? But the pair of Merits of Honour you both carry are quite conspicuous, and well known here."   "Yes Flora?"   "How come they know about the Merit?"   "Moniq's ruler gets a ceremonial merit of honour as long as we're at peace and in good terms with them. Usually within a month of ascension."   "Oh."   "Then this particular Hunarch earned a second one from her Conclave Commitments, joining a Kagomine Task Force as one of it's lead priestesses. Some moniqan rulers may appear to be paper tigers, but Hunarch Xiang is a Kautanissian heroine."   "I've met her, silly, I know just how impressive she is."   "Yeah, that's why you had me tell the story..."   "Silly, I thought she liked guys better."   "But she's my step mother."   "She might still like a man telling the story better. Besides, I know she enjoyed your story, she was engrossed!"   "You've met the Hunarch?" The waitress interjected   "We did, years ago, during her to Kagomei, aboard the ship Northern Diagonal Flare."   "The Great Skycarrier?" Even Li, in Moniq, had heard of the three ships where the successive parts of the Treaty of Lai Dang had been signed.   "Yes, Flora here is one of its commanders."   "Oh, can I ask a favour? Can we take a picture later, my cousin will be so jealous!"   "The one from Alessia?" Flora asked, nonplussed.   "No, well she'll be jealous too, but one of my other cousins is in Kagomei, studying at your academy to complete their training to fly off our own carriers, learning shared doctrine."   "Oh, they'll be singing for their wings then?" Flora asked, happy to hear of another flyer.   "I'm not sure, I think so, it's a Kagomine tradition?" Li wondered, she hadn't heard of her cousin in a while.   "Yes, to get drunk in a public place once one has earned the flight license. And then sing a specific song about flying without making too many mistakes." Flora added, since Amarat's own participation in the ritual was abbreviated.   "We should meet at the ship, it's in port, and we can take the picture with it!" Amarat added.   "Ohhh, really? It's here?" Li was getting excited, that was a rare event.   "Well not Northie, but Southie is." Flora deigned to add.   "I'm sorry?" Li didn't know the full name was almost never used.   "Flora is the second-in-command of a fleet, with two such vessels, only one is in harbor currently." Amarat said, enjoying the conversation.   "Two such vessels?" Li tried to imagine that many ships, that many fliers, and failed. Flora and Amarat had commanded that, and more, downing revenge.   "Kagomine has commissioned six Flycarriers, to keep at least three in service at all times."   "Three?"   "Yes, three. Southern Diagonal Flare is on active duty now."   "Why does it say Northern Diagonal Flare on her name tag then?"   "Because that one's back in drydock, but it's also the lead ship of the fleet."   "Oh? Is it as big as the Hunarch Madrigal ?" Li asked.   "Larger, it is being made equal to the Hunarch Xanadrigal." Flora was getting into the topic, she was second-in-command of the fleet, after all.   "But it's new?"   "Two years of service, already."


  • The source of the longest, highest debit river in Arnd, irrigating the horse plains of Asirania, a noted grassland.
  • Starts at Lake Tussi near Noron.
  • Flows into Lake Mistveil
  • Which flows into the River Green
  • Which flows into Lake Tassafaronga
  • Which flows into the River Sloshy
  • Which flows into Lake Aznabel
  • Which flows into the River Raging
  • Which flows into Lake Tsiutang
  • Which flows into the River Roaring
  • Which flows into the Central Sea
  • Map of Moniq and it's capital, Sook Zenith, itself on the shores of Lake Tassafargona.
    Alternative Name(s)
    The Great River
    Location under
    Owning Organization


    Home to nearly 650 freshwater species, the Blue River Complex is an impressive, complex infrastructure of interlocked ecosystems, most based on blue and green algae in a freshwater support. From the Blue algae and green algae to more complex lifeforms, study of biodiversity in the Blue River was given a big boost when early researchers found variants of blue algae not previously known. Emerald Sloth variants, including the rare Sapphire Sloth, not capable of photosynthesis, but much more aggressive in the hunt, were found a few years later. Salamander and axolotl-variants were also found, as well as Gaigang, Speckled Trout, Brown Trout, and Rainbow Trout. The Gaigang is a hybrid of the three other species, larger and stronger, but presenting the colouring of any of the other tree, and whose flesh is considered especially tasty.


    Please Login in order to comment!
    May 14, 2022 18:40 by Time Bender

    It's an interesting article, but very hard to understand if you don't know who the characters are and their situations! I'd also recommend adding more about the river.

    May 18, 2022 04:14 by George Sanders

    I like the story you are trying to tell. It might help readers if one speaker is in a slightly different color or bolded or indented compared to the others. Each scene needs a title too. What do you think about putting the geography and ecology sections into the sidebar?

    Read about the great items submitted for the Summer Camp Prompt I sponsored "A personal item that keeps you safe".
    Share your articles on Lavani's Reading List!
    May 18, 2022 14:01

    Thank you, I tried that, let me know what you think?

    May 18, 2022 21:25 by George Sanders

    Oh yeah, I like the sidebar! The ecology section really stands out. The map at the top will help orient people to where they are in your world. I see the titles in some the dialog, those look good too. I would still like to see the dialog layout help with readability. In the first section what if all the responses to the leader were indented 20px?

    Read about the great items submitted for the Summer Camp Prompt I sponsored "A personal item that keeps you safe".
    Share your articles on Lavani's Reading List!
    May 26, 2022 21:35

    Nicely written bit of prose. I would add a bit more in the sidebar about the river itself such as you already did for the ecosystem :) Perhaps a bit of info about the characters for those unknown to them?

    Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!
    May 27, 2022 17:26

    I'm already at 2500 words, so I'll add that after the challenge unfortunately

    May 27, 2022 17:49

    yeah best not to go over it :p

    Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!
    May 28, 2022 14:37

    This may help with some of the characters, if you're still curious, even if it's not a straight-up intro to them. https://www.worldanvil.com/w/arnd-rahjar/a/senya-frangibald-person

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