Role of Cats in Diplomacy

"So, how old is this tradition?"   "As old as the pact of Eurani, so almost a millenia."   "And how does it work?"   "You give a kitten to someone you want to improve a relationship with. In a best case scenario, kittens are exchanged, it's not one-sided."   "And it can happen anywhere?"   "Mostly?"   "Why don't you give me one then?"   "If you already live with someone, it doesn't count..."   "Why?"   "The cats already act like they own both of us, it's totally different."   "Hmm, yeah, I did notice they beg food from me more than you now."   "You are the weak link..."   "Hmm, how?"   "I'm still the one who buys their food, so they figure they can fool you about not being fed?"   "Or I'm just a new face, and they figure they can fool me, the little scamps."   "Probably."   "..."   "You have a question..."   "More, like an announcement."   "Oh? Should I be sitting for this?"   "Yes, they're going to have a little brother, of sorts..."   "A brother?"   "I'm pregnant."  
  Ainsley Shoo was talking to her principal aide.   "I'll need a kitten, preferrably one of the mostly-known-in-Kagomei kind."   "So who are we sending a kitten to?"   "My counterpart in Lolland, "   "Why cats, and not dogs? I'd imagine dogs are pretty cherished too."   "True, but a cat's loyalty isn't bought. Dogs are oddly, more casually loyal."   "Hmm..."   "The story's not factual, anyways, the original story had a Slashbeast be sent as a kitten as a present, and refusing to attack its prior owner. Not a regular house cat."   "Oh, so almost three hundred kilos of difference?"   "Well, theoretically, I don't know if the trained slashbeast in the story was actually a maximum sized specimen."   "Well, going back to the error from legend, we're comparing something that could kill a human with barely any effort, versus a house pet that relies on humans for food?"   "Yeah."   "Aye, well quite honestly, how easily a slashbeast can kill a human's never been the most comfortable thought with me, please excuse me." Her aide had turned green.   "Gulp."   "Can I rely on you to get it done in time for my return to Lolland?"   "Any restrictions I should know about? Can it be any kitten?"   "Just the breed restriction I mentioned, and that's a preference, not a must have. Oh, and it must be a kitten, not an adult cat, at most eight weeks old."   "My cousin's Aquafold is expecting..."   "Oh, that's typically Kagomine?"   "Well, Meihomei herself has had one since she was a child."   "Yes, as a child she noticed they were the same colour as her Shadowbun, and decided she wanted one of those too."   "A Shadowbun?"   "A particular breed of Kagomine bunny, a very soft, very well-behaved type of grey rabbit."   "And Aquafolds?"   "Are a rowdy, curious, mostly-female type of cat. Her first cat was an exceedingly rare male. If your cousin has a male, that'd be especially choice."   "I'll see what I can do, once they're born, and getting her her vet appointment."   "Thank you, I'll owe you one."   "Does your counterpart own any pets?"   "No, but she has a new fiance, it's a Kagomine Kittening."


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