Rommie Dreda

"Welcome, can you swear your identification where I can see it, please?"   "I swear I am Rommie Dreda, third secretary for defense affairs to the embassy for Magrat in New Lolland ."   "Your identity is confirmed, but this tells me your title has changed, please come with me."   "What's this bullcrap about my title changing?"   "It's a tradition here in Kagomine, for the military, I suspect the guard thought it was a fine little joke...  You get told by your superior officer that your uniform is incorrect, with no time to fix it...  Because you just had a promotion, congradulations."   "A promotion?  Surely, my own nation would tell me..."   "I suspect the notification is in your inbox.  We were expecting a colleague of yours, but he was promoted upwards while we were conducting evaluations, welcome, Major Dreda."   "Major?  I'm not military..."   "A third attaché for defense?  Of course you are, although you were attached to customs inspections before joining, that was quite interesting..."   "I am a civilian engineer, I specialize in vision systems."   "So I am told, a surveillance expert, hijacking vision capture systems for biometrics and the like.  A finer spy could hardly be found in a better cover."   "I'd be a fool to confirm any of this..."   "I don't need verification, I am cleared for your file...  We are meeting here for the next chapter in it.  I represent a classified branch of The Lai Dang Accords 's Treaty Authority , code-named A.u.n.t.i.e , we are tasked with preserving the spirit of the accords, while preventing gross abuse of its letter or spirit, and generally increasing good will among members."   "So you're offering me a job, but it's so classified I can't even know what it is?  How does that even work?"   "Oh, silly me, I do need you to sign this non-disclosure, then I can tell you."   "Wait, this is a treaty ANNEX!"   "Yes, our mandate is a treaty annex, and binds you, as a subject of one of the treaty nations, the more so if you take actions to harm or diminish the treaty willingly or through neglect, as a traitor to your own nation."   "If I don't sign this, you get to kill me?"  She said, joking...  The silent response, convinced her, more than anything, that this was deadly serious.  After a moment.   "Please do sign, so I can offer you a new job and a raise, and travel perks."   "Travel perks?"  She was intrigued, to say the least.  Her love of travel, indeed, the reason she accepted her current post, being located in south-central Eurani, was not in any file.   "We must travel to any member nation that experiences conflict or issues in applying the treaty, since, as you know, only two nations in all of Arnd  have not yet signed, that means you get to travel most anywhere."   "What nations are that?"   "Wesscoste, and Zwiterland."   "Ah, but Zwiterland is lovely this time of year."   "You can go there on your own time, then."   "You don't think the two nations not signing the treaty won't be places where activities forbidden by the treaty won't take place?"   Wontget would have slapped himself, what she said made too much sense, and none of his superiors had hinted at this.  Of course, maybe they were just too close, after all, everyone above him had participated in the signing of the treaties, which was why he had a job, making sure no one wriggled out of what they had agreed upon.


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