Satsuna Loi-Ikko

"There's not a one size fits all for people!" The petite Asiranian yelled at the shopkeeper.

"I quite agree, what has you in such an agitation, milady?"

"Oh, you saw, I'm so very sorry, I was trying to get a hat, but they didn't have it in my size. I should say, the only size they had, would do me well, for a boat!"

"Oh, how upsetting, but certainly, you already have a fine hat!"

"Yes, but for the festival, this will not do."

"Oh, what festival is this?"

"It's celebration of the great gift, for when Goguryeo had a great famine, and from far away New Lolland, mighty ships came laden with food, to help!"

"Oh, and that's soon? I wasn't aware, just what will I wear?"

"It is the weekend, handsome stranger, and from whence did you come to Goguryeo?"

"I am an envoy, from Kagomei."

"Oh a famous 'person of peace'? In here? I am honoured. Oh, and you have green, green ribbons, you must be famous!"


"I am not an expert, but I am told all of Kagomine consider Emerald Green to be the imperial colour, only to be given to the most meritant. And you have three ribbons of that colour!" She ran a finger over them. "Glidecloth! Those are the highest of rewards, who are you?"

"I am Amarat, I am a visitor to Goguryeo, I come in peace. And in peace I shall depart, if the elements will it so."

"Was such a nice time last night, handsome Namei!"



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