Staff of Masamune

"Might as well hope for the Staff of Masamune!"   "Do not give up hope, it's all we have, in these hard times."   "Hope? We're outnumbered, outgunned, and our people are sick by some bioweapon! What choice do we have?"   "Well, for one, we've done exceedingly well one against one fighting the invaders. Each time we go in equal numbers, we win."   "They've also sunk more ships bearing the Kagomei flag than we've lost in the last three wars against Moniq."   "Well Moniq is hardly a naval power, it's strength has always been its countless foot soldiers."   "But we've fought them over decades, this fight has only been six months, and already they have totalled two companion-class and one founder-class."   "I don't need to remind you we turned even that loss to our advantage, it made Rannick our close allies, something they'd never been before."   "They barely have any materiĆ©l!"   "They bought some, so did Moniq, through the treaty you signed for us, they licensed our designs, with minor modifications, and now we field 6 flycarriers, with two more in preparation."   "But that's only as long as the treaty lasts..."   "And it's signed to last twenty years... They can still buy more, that they have bought and completed even one each in such a short time bodes well for the future."   "You're so optimistic, I wonder, is it a mood swing?"   "What?"   "Look, you're the one that's a sea of stable emotions usually, and I've seen you change your tune five times just on the appropriations bill this morning."   "Yeah, so?"   "I know you've been 'busy' with a hunk or two..."   "I've been careful... This isn't like what happened with Shen..."   "Not letting the Venatori get their hands on a rival heir, uh?"   "Anyways, you asked about the Staff of Masamune, I happen to know where it is..."   "What? But it's been lost, lost for centuries..."   "That's what we tell the uninformed..."   "Surely the Matsumotos would want to lay claim to it..."   "That's what happened." She sighed. "Meltran-who-was-Meihomei and Beltran-who-was-Nameihomei gave it to them, on the condition they pretend it was still lost."   "And they agreed?"   "Beltran convinced them they would lose what benefit it holds if Keekyo and Kagome's descendants said they had a fake."   "So they kept it secret?"   "No chance the Matsutan keeps it a total secret, but I imagine you need to be in the good graces of the family to know."
Item type
Weapon, Melee


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