Suspension Construction for Buildings

Second Shadow Division HQ
Two redheaded tourists(Flora Rolli and Amarat Jr Veneer) were walking through the capital of New Etrusca. "Look, what's that strange building?"   "No idea, which one do you mean?"   "The one that looks a little bit like a spider, on eight long legs?"   "Oh, I heard of that one. Let's not stick around."   "What was so sinister that about that building?"   Later, back at their hotel.
  "It's the headquarters of their Special Forces, or at least, their Second Shadow Division, they moved in five years ago, before that it was a temple."   "A temple?"   "Yeah, eight legs, for eight elements."   "And a central tower?"   "For the void and the two un-named ones..."   "Ugh, worship in New Etrusca is passing strange..."   "Maybe, but they keep to the old ways, we can't build buildings like that in Kagomei anymore, we don't have enough Voidanium, nor skilled workers used to working in suspension works."   "Voidanium?"   "The titanium alloy used for such, in Kagomei whatever we have gets put into military uses."   "Oh."   "Like a certain Flycarrier."   "Ooooh."   "Must be odd, I mean I swore I saw the building sway a little, earlier."   "That's deliberate, the whole capital is in a seismic zone. They build the temple like that partly for religious reasons, partly because it'd resist tremblors much better."   "But you don't have to build like that to resist tremblors, do you?"   "If you want to resist the maximum tremblors, you build like that, according to Mariwolfe, when she was briefing me. They're in the hot part of the Belt of Fire and Kagomei is not."   "So, they just build each part of the building, and basically balance the central pylon between them?"   "Basically, the components are assembled in counterweight pairs, and then hang the central pylon when ready. It's incredible engineering."


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