The Discreet Emerald

The largest emerald not part of the Kagomine Crown Jewels, few jewels were as controversial. Originally cut along with Arithmetic Emerald, and Algebraic Emerald, but withheld, and not set into any jewelry, many felt it would be retained for some organ of state.   A hundred years later, this still hadn't happened, and legally, the gemstone was the property of the heir to the Kagomine throne, just like the Wedding Band of Aumhavar Peebea and Wedding Band of Consort Lyara. At the time, this worthy was Meltran Kagome, Nameihomei, and Bameimeito of Kagomei. When Meltran's wife and Beltran's wife were both saved by Rembrandt, Beltran's wife's oversized ratting specialist, the jewel, indeed, it, and any remaining flecks of emerald remaining from Kagomei's initial Emerald reserves, if such a thing can be said to exist, were pooled, and turned into decoration for a cat statue, mostly of jet, but with emerald, red, black and green sapphire highlights.   Insurance of such is a game of cat and mouse now, many in the Kagomine insurance industry play the 'you snooze, you loose' game with the statue, whose value was actually never written anywhere. There's no actual value to insure, but, and this is crucially important, the statue was still legally insured, by edict of Meihomei, its loss imputable to this or that insurance company. Most assayers feel this is a boobie prize, at best, and a risk to be avoided, if at all possible, as the value of the statue is likely astronomical(and the same edict names the same company for equally-or-more valuable items, like the scepter of state of Kagomei, its royal crown, and other items).   At the same time, defying an edict of Meihomei is not something a Kagomine-based company is likely to survive, so most insurance companies so burdened try to get safer, offsetting risks from their fellow companies, not always at market prices. This is a thriving business now, in Megamisama, especially, as the contract for the royal courtroom in Innu, for example, is on a different edict, and in a different contract.
Item type
Jewelry / Valuable


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