The First Moniqan Invasion

"With respect, Orange Emperor, you're insane!"   "You will do as I say, or you will hang!"   "But why? Tsou is not a bad neighbour, why attack them now?"   "I do not have to justify my actions to you, do as I say, Horse Lord, or your clan will have a new Kurultai!"   "I will obey, but I do so under protest! This is madness, Moniq is not rich enough in friends yet, to throw away the few it has!"   Nine months later...   "Well?"   "Foul dog of a traitor, you slime of the earth, degenerate son of degenrates!"   "You only bother to insult me because I was right, leave now, before I forget you ruled here..."   "You dare to threat..." Bows were aimed, arrows nocked and swords were loosened. Goguryeo I, Primarch of Goguryeo and up to that point, Hunarch of Moniq, stopped mid-word, and left while the going was good.

The Conflict


Goguryeo I ousted as Hunarch of Moniq, replaced by Horse Lord Fijuan, but Goguryeo keeps Primarchate of Goguryeo as his own personal fief. Nisei signs treaty of Eo, which lasts five years. Hand increases military tempo, but ultimately attacks no one.


Moniq thrown out of the mutual defensive clauses of the Pledge, keeps the commercial advantages until the second moniqan invastions

Historical Significance


Abendeen, Tsou and Dai Lang make threats to join Kagomei against Moniq, those threats were never forgotten, nor the angry threats back Moniqan rulers threw at the three smaller Island Nations. But after the second moniqan invasions, Moniq came to see them as wayward children and promised protection
Included under Conflict
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Conflict Result
Kagomei victorious, invasion repelled[






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