The Jealous Pelican Speakeasy

"No, the way is clear, I only saw geese."   "Pass, obviously, you never saw a belligerant geese."   "I only saw them from afar! That's how I kept all my body parts! I hear em geese like to bite em off!"   "Ah-ah! Good one!"   "We going in, this time?"   "Yeah, everyone got their tickets?"   "Yeah, but we ain't demonstratin!"   "Oh, behave!"   "Make me, pretty boy!"   "Don't test the Kon running this place, or I so swear, you'll wish I was disciplining you myself!"   "What, so this Garay spot is a hot spot?"   "It's Nyakki Veyron's backup spot, when she wants to 'relax'..."   "Auntie Nyakki's cool in my book..."   "Wait, you... call her auntie?"   "Daddy didn't just save Auntie Mikhala..."   "Oh, fliegerkorps!"   "Noy-jitat!"   "What, you don't get invited to Laughing Waters?"   "No, I'm a senior officer of the realm, in the running for third or maybe second circle, I'm not good enough for laughing waters, which is obviously first."   "Easy, easy cousin. I get you, but auntie Nyakki loves the hair on your armpits, she's cool."   "Auntie Nyakki is like five steps above me, and I don't breathe air that high."   "You do, she did marry you dad, she's your stepmother, for one thing."   "Wait, you know who Amarat's stepmothers are?"   "Who doesn't? I mean, I grew up in Dunkhel, it's hardly specialized knowledge."   "I keep forgetting some places have reason to know things that are secret everywhere else..."   "Ok, ok, so I am the son of Tallson Moray, who died saving Mikhala Veneer, and sacrificed his life along Amarat Veneer Senior to save her. She is now Nameihomei, Princess of the Blood, Nameita, 00001-Star-Emerald Knight of Great Kagome, which is a rank so high, they stopped giving it except to actual royalty. Which her sister and her are the last one to attain, period. Her son, Amarat, is Bameimeito, but not Star-Emerald Knight, so of course, he had to get hisself a Merit of Honour, and in the running to be the Fount of Valour for all Kagomei. He is likewise, not in the running to be Nameihomei, yet, and not while his mother lives. But should anything happen to her, he is the closest heir that Megamisama has."   "Damn, so he's Bameimeito?"   "Among other things, he had to decline a Mastarna of Benevento because he was the actual heir to the head of state."   "Just who is that heir now?"   "Some nobody, Linnaeus Van Pelt, Ci-07 Auxiliary Vice-Undersecretary of state for technology for Kagomei."   "Wait, so you don't just know who gets passed over, you know why? Come, let's talk awhile."   "He's the second-cousin, twice-removed, to Amarat Senior, and his heir, well, except the others are heirs, just heads of state to actual countries, or second in command of g-12 countries, and the like... I wish I was making this up..."   "So his sister?"   "Electoral Princess or Prince of Saer-Natthingham. second in command of the breadbasket of Eurani."   "And their cousin?"   "Heir, for now, second-in-command-later, of Kagomei, who isn't a G-12, but is likely to join next time they extend their cadres."   "So, what are we talking about here?"   "That whoever goes into a pissing contest with Amarat or Luci is deluded, Linni... you'd better be expecting an invite to the G-12 soon, or else that's hubris."   "But he's a nobody, so far off the beaten path, they send invites to look at what they're doing..."   "Really, to Castle Ferrare?"   "Ugh. He is next in line, I mean, no one wants to bet against Benevent."   "Whoever bets against benevent, bets against Lai Dang, because that's who set that up..."


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