The Tsou Orchard

"Welcome to the Tsou Orchard, I will be your excellency's concierge during your trip.


"The uninitated seem to think an ambassadorship is heritable or transferrable..."

"You'd think that, or maybe it's just safer to call you that if you're part of an ambassaador's retinue, especially a Kagomine one..."

"Why would a Kagomine one need special privilege?"

"Kagomine diplomatic ranks and protocols are considered among the most complex and obtuse, part of that is a very deliberate attempt at keeping people from understanding our rules and predicting our diplomatic moves"

"I still can't believe I got involved with someone who can afford this place... And that concierge, she handles how many clients?"

"Going by my last visit, she meant 'i'll be your concierge', literally, she's assigned to our suite for the duration of our stay."

"So you have a vacation manager, kinda? Assigned to make sure you vacation properly?"

"Not exactly, more like a vacation executive officer, to make sure if I want something to happen during my vacation, everything is there for it to happen."

"Oh, a vacation XO? I wouldn't have expected that metaphor."

There was a knock on the door. "Someone order a massage?"

"Hmm, how did you know I wanted one?"

"I didn't, that one's for me..."

"And you didn't order a cute lil strumpet?"

"I ordered a massage dear, not sexual pandering..."

"Aw, I guess I'll have to provide that, later."

"Looking forward to it. Oof!" Was added, as the masseur got to work.

Hospitality, Resort


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