
"Welcome to the last day of the semester, students, who can tell me what happens tomorrow?"   "It's the day of Reunification."   "What happened that day, Rufion?"   "Errr..."   "Anyone can help Rufion?"   "It was the Tzekaukus Matze & Tcha Party, the various New Etruscan nations had enough of taxing each other's goods, so they united, and declared a free trade zone among themselves."   "What happened at the party, Riana?"   The sixteen year old blushed, her parents had explained, blushing themselves, that whatever the priests and priestesses hadn't needed clothes for, and she had stopped the explanation right there. "Hum, Err, Hmm."   "The celebrants threw the matze and the tcha in the water, after it had fermented, which means they threw alcohol in the water, the Sailcloth Moray became drunk, docile, and much easier to catch. To this day, our city of Tzekaukus is the biggest source of that particular fish, known for it''s terrible feistiness, in all of Arnd, because of the Tzekaukus Method. And it all started when some MatzĂ© went bad."   "Wow." Riana was relieved, but kinda curious now, why did her parents mention the priestesses but not the fish?  
  Riana asked her father: Stromglob about it...   "Oh, because your mother worked for a fishery for some time, she will not allow those morays to be mentioned, not after losing a finger to them."   "Oh. So I better not mention tomorrow's holiday?"   "No, you can, just not the fish, dear. You can enjoy the holiday without fins, after all."   "Oh, right."   Riana's mother Viana was in the other room, hiding her smile, and trying not to think that her big girl was growing up way too fast, again. Of course, she had grown too, since... the incident. And she hated so many of the things she did now as a matter of course, as the Mayor and Fisherman's Guildhead of Tzekaukus, but on the whole, it was a good life.
Large city


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