Well-altar of Innu Yesugai

"This is the genuine article, the same set of stones set over an aquifer that 815 years ago, Analecta Kagome Kira Takahashi drew water from to wash Innu Yesugai's wounds and bandage them.

"How do you know?"

"I called upon the Infinite possibilities jewel, it cannot be lied to."

"So this is the real stones? And this is significant how?"

"As a ritual site, this is second only to Mountain Home in power, in all of Kagomei."

"But it's deserted."

"Yeah, so is the tomb, and there's plenty of power there too.."

"Oh, how come?"

"All the pilgrimages, most clergy make one, after all. Didn't you?"

"No, I felt I had come five times as a lay person, so coming back as a priest would have been overdone."

"Five times?"

"Well, one for my mother's tenth year of clergy, and three for assignments from Meihomei."

"Meihomei 'assigns' you?"

"She's been known to ask for me to do things for her yes."

"How often does that happen?"

"Twice a year at most, for a legendary."

"And how often for the Bameimeito?"

"As often as she wants, provided I still want to be the heir."

"So you become her 'face'?"

"As the heir, I'm representing her as well as myself, in the sense that I'm expected to learn from her, but prepare to advance my own agenda."

"What's your agenda?"

"I don't know that yet, for now, I'm happy to enjoy the scenery." He flashed her a shy smile.

"Oh, am I part of the scenery now then?"

"You're the best part of the scenery, as far as I'm concerned, whether or not I get to enjoy you... Well, I gotta be worthy, I suppose... But I really meant this lovely well, it's a part of the history of the nation, without it, our founders wouldn't have met, fallen in love, nor gotten married, had kids, and all that. And with the founders being my ancestors, that'd mean I wouldn't be here, at all, either. And every year, thousands visit, most of them trying to respark their couples, 'make the magic work again!'"

Item type
Religious / Ritualistic


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