
Most people in Arnd have never heard of Aegypsom outside of The Faithful Enemy, a little Keffiyeh parlor just outside the capital, famous for its New Etruscan owner.   I've spent a summer in Aegypsom's plains, gathering the wheat crop. I have a different perspective, when the sun rises over the golden waves of wheat, shining and golden, you see infinity, larger than any Arndan can hold in his heart. It was also there my heart was broken for the first time, but not the last.  
— Memories of tending to the state, Amarat Veneer Junior, 837.

"So you fell in love, in Aegypsom?"


"Yeah, I was only fourteen. She was seventeen, tall and willowy, an antilope among oxen."


"Oh, a Loro?"


"Half, there are many of her people there, Phoenici and Loro, but of neither world, entire."


"Did she have an accent?"


"She spoke like both the wind and fire got trapped in a maze and while it tried to get out, it unleashed upon the world every wicked temptation and rightful harmony of perfection to draw the unwary to blessed mindlessness."


"Have I met her?"


"No, but she is meeting us today, it is the first time since... I never had the courage before."


"Why not?"


"I never had you before, so I never tried."


"How certain are you, that you can do this?"


"Fifty per cent is as much as I'd give myself ever to hope, she made such an impression."

  "I am Kvasser N'Goto, who do I have the honour of addressing?"   "I am Amarat Jr Veneer, ME-20 Bameimeito of Great Kagomei, with me is my wife and advisor Flora Rolli, FFOF-09 Eagle and Commander, Air Group/CAG of 0001st Kagomine Imperial Flying Force Air Group."   "Impressive, when last your mother visited us, she said she was Nameihomei, is that no longer true?"   "She is still Nameihomei, until I can be considered ready, and worthy, to assume that charge, ontop of Bameimeito."   "What will happen then?"   "I believe she will have my baby sister, and retire, and ask me to take the duty."   "Your sister, she is expecting?"   "Yes."   "At her age?"   "She is a priestess, it is not impossible, although, it is not common."   "How high?"   "She is tenth, among your people, she would be of the Loro."   "Ah, yes, she is of the Kautanissian Conclave?"   "Yes, and with you are Kautassian Conclave members? Would I know their names?"   "No, their names are not to be known to outsiders. But if your wife is as high as I perceive, some of them will introduce themselves to her, as a courtesy."   "I am fortunate, my wife and mother are as high as the sky."   "And you yourself are a high mountain, I see much power in you."   "I am of the blood of legends, and of heroes of peace. I would be your friend."   "Friendship in Loro comes with a high price, life, or death, it makes no difference."   "Kagomine have paid this price before, to have their friendship true."   "That is true, your people are famous, famous for putting their deeds where their mouths were... In the pursuit of peace, of friendship. It is why we call you friends. Kautassian and Kautanissian and Kautarissian stand as one!"   "We stand for peace, for the elements."
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