Bahzo Pizzeria

"They'll never look for a member of the aristocracy in such a hole in the wall!"   "Everyone knows the true Megamisamian enjoys a good pie, regardless of status. And this is one of the best in the city."   "It is the best in the city, I've tried them all."   "Really, how many are there?"   "Four-hundred and sixteen. One can rotate though the whole list in eight academy semesters with some to spare."   "You ate nought but pizza?" A true pie lover herself, she had expected him to eat the reheated leftover for a second meal, as she often did in her own academy days.   "No, I ate other things, but I did the math regardless, I wanted to know if it was possible."   "I thought pizzerias in Megamisama were fancy places, with a wood-fired oven set in the stone wall, in pride of place."   "Many of the fancier ones are like that, and the crust is almost as good as this one, but not the toppings... Truly, this is the superior pepper sausage."   "Careful not to say that too loud, I hear The Laughing Fire tried to kick someone out..."   "For saying someone had better ale."  
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant


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