Discovery journal of Phoenician

Jud Armillar de Vilar's personal journal, Reign of Armando, year 12, Octem ninth.

  Yesterday, there was this party up the slope of the mountain, then they took me to the holy place, this morning. Very civilised, their variant of pancakes is unlike ours, but still very flavourful. It is not Quatriticalé or Matzé, it is more like wheat, or perhaps, wheat's strong, brutish cousin. The local word was Aaanabiwanahanamanué. At least, that's what it seems at first glance, but they tell me the plant that makes this seed is no grass, but more of a shrub, related to another herb they know, which they flavour pies with. Pies I'm now famously fond of. This is a bitter herb, Aabiwanawué, perhaps a spice, I'm not sure, they mention it is a vegetable, used for other types of cooking.   This herb, or plant, or shrub, seems resistant to the grass-killing plague we carried with us, and thankfully, the locals are not alarmed when they see their wheat affected. They tell me they eat more Matzé and Oats
— Phenician's Voyage of Discovery, Volume 1, 615 AK, New Etruscan Press, all rights reserved.

"You have done well, my cousin, bringing back news of these wonders, this buckwheat is most nutritious, and has tided our people over while we abated both the panic from the famine, and its proximate cause. For this deed, you will be honoured with the order of the Platinum Trident."

— Proceedings of the Imperio Sardé court, 890AS(214AK)
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