Emperor of Sardé Jud Armillar Sardé, de Vilar a.k.a. Phoenician (fəˈniːʃn, ʤuːd ɑːmɪ́lər :zaʁ.de ðe vi - laɾ)
"I am Jud Armillar Sardé de Vilar, I am working for my people. I want them to be prosperous, and happy, but first they have to be 'not starving'. It is not complicated, starving people do no great deeds, nor trade successfully for valuable resources. Starving people trade for the food they need to survive, it is simple fact. Considering the values of my people, a famine is a tragedy. A state of despondancy, leaving those within, bereft and sobbing, sad and wanting. I wanted them out of that state, so I took a ship! A fine, fine seaworthy ship, the best of its kind, the shipwrights assured me. Any fool could tell the ship could hardly be kept to shore, even at the dock, even I could say as much. I do not know ships, but I could tell, just from the sailors fighting the mooring lines, that this ship did not sit quietly in harbour, waiting for things. A fine vessel, I asked its name, BVV Phoenix they said, the ever reborn. An auspicious name, we would be the rebirth of our people, and this ship was slated for rebirth. I hoped for much, and they did deliver."
Physical Description
General Physical Condition
A soft-bellied ground-pounder, according to his shipmates, he nonetheless put in extra effort, following expeditions to discover crops, animals, cultures.
Mental characteristics
Personal history
Born to a cadet branch of the imperial family, Jud had no expecation to rise to the throne, and so studied medicine, as a prospective aspirant to the priesthood.
Gender Identity
Questioning his identity from an early age, it was a well kept secret that Jud had both sets of genitals, even if he did present as male, and only when he was autopsied was his gender identity widely know.
Jud had no known relationships among the Benevent, but later, he married one of the local people, whose gender, was not identified clearly, at least according to historians.
Rising through the school system, Jud attended the prestigious Sardé medical school with the highest honours and landed his medical residence in short order.
A medical resident in the capital's most prestigious hospital, Jud was heartbroken when the famine broke and afflicted so much of the populace. Despondant over the hospital's inability to help, he appealed to higher authority to get anything going that had a remote chance of working, bankrolling the Phoenix Project out of his own funds.
Accomplishments & Achievements
Discovered four distinct species of crops, and identified their nutritional value, at leasts according to the standards of the time. These crops are:
Failures & Embarrassments
According to contemporary accounts, Jud felt embarassed that the second phoenix expedicitions were so much less successful than the first.
Personality Characteristics
He wanted to discover something "helpful" for his people.
Had a brief, five-year reign as Imperiam of Sardé, before dying of a mysterious repspiratory ailment.
Family Ties
Religious Views
Little is known about his religious views, save that as a member of the Sardé imperial family, he was expected to be a member of the cult of feral.

Honorary & Occupational Titles
336 AK
414 AK
78 years old
Place of Death
Intense black eyes
Thick, raven black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Lightly tanned
Quotes & Catchphrases
"The secret is out there."
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Character Prototype
Simon Bolivar, Franklyn Roosevelt and (Mendoza