"Welcome Sir, to Friuli, the land of plenty."
"Thank you, and you are?"
"Oh, I'm Voice of Meihomei Ainsley Shoo
"An honour indeed!"
"May I have your name?"
"I am Arraign Dice, I am an theatre actor."
"Sorry, we're all full!"
"I'm sorry?"
"A bit of a joke, lots of theatre actors at the state department, you can't have my job."
"Oh, I had no idea, I imagine there's quite a talent requirement to be a Voice of Meihomei, at that."
I hadn't been joking, he was just like me, a despondant actor, looking for a purpose. So was I, except I had a clearance, some money to put into a deposit, for my diplomatic credentials. Thank you mom and dad, for the extra funds.
I knew her, from before, I was so glad she hadn't pierced my disguise. I had babysat her when she was little. Being a lifeguard of second megamisama meant you keep running into people, people you've interacted with before. Being with Auntie meant I'd moved on, and some of my successors knew her, one quite carnally... I don't judge. This was ticklish though, most people would remember... Just not right away. It'd tickle her until she'd ask some awkward question, unless... Unless she remembered her training.
"I've seen you before, haven't I?"
"My most famous cousin is Jack Paper, I doubt you've run into him..."
"I actually have, you're not looking much like him. But that's ok, l hear Meihomei is running him ragged."
Oh, damn, she does remember me, and is telling me to keep the lies to a minimum.
"Voice of Meihomei, can I serve?"
"Not right now, but I will write down your name in my book. Meihomei's work is never done."
Oh, phew. And all things considered, the best possible result. Make it sound like I have some possible quality she needs, but undefinable, and for some unclear future purpose.
