Furuken Tsimori

"Furuken-papa!" Translated from the Tsou.
  "Laraken-mama!" The two spouses kissed.
  "My wife, how come you're here?"

  I am Sothlee De Byzance, the tallest person in the room, usually. Not usually to this degree though, the next taller person reaches under my shoulders here. Oh, that's my step-son, I haven't seen him in a while.
  "Aumhivina of unimpeachable faith, we salute you."
  The smallest person in this room indeed, but the Wunglil she wore, with an ornate Tsou hat, complete with cat ears atop from them told me who she was. "Cat Princess of the Tsou, I welcome you." She's not the only one who can be formal when she wants to be.
  "You flatter me, Honoured Minister de Byzance."
  "Orange Prince Tsimori, and I do not have the pleasure of your name." A thumb's width taller than the tiny woman, she had a similar Wungli, without the ridiculous cat ears on her hat.
  "I am Laraken, I am Prince Tsimori's wife." Both women took off their hats then, respectfully, as one did once we've all been introduced. The man bowed, since he didn't have one on.
  "Might I ask how I can assist?"
  "Oh, we merely wanted to share our appreciation for everyone's assistance in rejoining together. Your people were so helpful and kind."
  "Oh, I can't claim them all as my people, most of them were at state."
  "I thought you were the chief of state?"
  "I am the consititutional authority, yes. But I believe Amarat here had the most to do with that."
  "Aw, shucks."
  "Modesty is quite becoming, son, but you're going to end into unbecoming areas if you don't reign it back, Aumhavar."
  "He's Aumhavar?" All three Tsou bowed in their unisex particolored wunglis.
  "He is Aumhavar of Megamisama at present, bearing the conclave's own authority."
  Amarat was blushing.
  "Of this whole city? But it is immense!"
  The three foreign diplomats' body language was quite interesting, I've not seen many diplomats having unguarded moments like this.
  "Aumhavar Amarat..."
  "Is Aumhavar such a title here he doesn't have a better?"
  "Our custom is for religious titles to be named first, if any are used. I never use aught other with Amarat, since he's my step-wife's son."
  "Through Kannaveral, we both married the same man, that makes her a sister in some ways, but the kagomine term translates to step-wife."
  "Aaah, is it proper for us to follow local custom, despite being ambassadors?"
  "Oh, yes, I would recommend you do so, in fact, Kagomine do appreciate awareness of our peculiarities, and feel kinship with those that do."
  "Thank you."
  "Yes, Laraken-mama?"
  "Why is Laramir here?"
  "I am being recalled, and she is to attend to matters here."
  "Then why did I join you, then? I could have waited you there."
  "Allow me?"
  "You're being recalled from them embassy to send you to a better, possibly to Treaty Authority in Lai Dang?"
  "Ah, one shouldn't play cards against you Aumhavar Amarat, you must be frighteningly 'good at it."


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