
Traditional Kagomine/Tsou layered robes, was originally from Moniq, but Moniq banned them after a defeat.   Orignally designed in Sook Zenith and exported from there.


Originally started as a religious dress in Sook Zenith in 25BK, with a distinctive set of sixteen concentric patterns in 8 colours on the plectral.   After the conquest by Escor pirates of both Tsou and Kagomei around 0AK, the renewed religious fervour in both places, tied with their role in ejecting the unlawful pirates, led to this particular style of dress being given much primacy, many foreigners dubbing it "That Tsou Dress" or "That Kagomine particoloured fashion". The distinction between the two, on formal, official dress, was on the sleeves, which were orange for Tsou, and Emerald for Kagomine, while the shoulders were dawn pink and black, respectively.   This didn't prevent unofficial variants, nor disencourage them, many 'less traditional' fashion trends rising just to get away fgrom the codified colours. Even the Kagomine one was originally identical to the Tsou one, until a high ranking priest, related to the royal family, decided to break with tradition and wear his own family's colours for sleeves. As he later became one of the greatest rulers and heroes of his own kingdom just killed the original colours, and cemented his variant as the official one.   Later, the tradition of Kannatsu in Tsou took over the wungli there, and directed it completely.


Now it's common to see Wungli without the prescribed color patterns, although many in Kagomei think it's not a real wungli without at least four distinct colours on it. In Tsou the reasoning is that if the colours of the sleeves and shoulders match the dress, it's not a wungli.


While anyone can wear a Wungli, only elemental cult clergy wear the cult emblem 'properly' with the cult logo on the front.


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