Journaled Task Force 2

"Thank you for seeing me, Executive Advisor Lamoureux."   "Think nothing of it, Prime Minister, is there something I can do for you?"   "I want to review JTF2, I have concerns."   "I'm sorry Sir, but the constitution says you cannot do that."   "What?"   "You may not review them yourself while they obey your orders, paragraph one, title eighteen. You may assign a senate-reviewed officer to do so for you, but not review them yourself."   "Hmm, then I want you to review them for me. Find out how many of them are Fenici First. And get them the hell out of my army."   "I'm... not.."   "You were reviewed by the senate, just like all the commissioned officers... Enlisted Executive Advisor of the NuovaFirenzane Armed Forces Lamoureux."   Damn his eyes, he was right. Only, he was an executive advisor, a consultant, he wasn't used to taking decisions, only recommendations. This was going to require him to get some help. Thankfully, reviewing a military organization the size of JTF2 was such a big job, he knew others would love to join in.


  • hoˈwowā /hoˈʋoʋaː/, soldier
  • nē (ten, tenner, basic unit of 8 soldiers, 1 non-com: apa, 1 commissioned officer: īmu)
  • āāihūhi (sixty-four, two groups of three tenners, plus one non-com and 1 commissioned officer for the whole, doubling as the non-com and officer for the first three tenners, an one non-com and one officer for the other three tenners, non-com: poiapa, officer poiīmu)
  • lumāuāihū (thirteen-twenties, 260, four āāihūhi(256) plus one-noncom and one officer for the first half, an the whole, and one non-com and one officer, for the second half, non-com: āapa, officer āīmu)
  • ākōnomaāihūa (three fourth-hundreds-one-hundred-and-six, 1306, five lumāuāihū, plus one-non-com and one officer for overall command, and one non-com and one officer for command of lumauaiu 2 and 3, and one non-com and one officer for 4 and 5, hiapa, hiīmu)
  • kiwōkōnonēāihūwai (three-four-hundreds, eleven-twenties, 7844, six ākōnomaāihūʻa, plus four sets of non-coms+officer: one for overall command, and one for each two ākōnomaāihūʻa, non-coms: maapa, officers: maīmu), need to correct the number
  • (54,924, seven kiwōkōnonēāihūwai, plus 8 pairs of officers: one for overall command, and one for coordination of each kiwōkōnonēāihūwai, non-com: angaapa, officer: angaīmu)
  • No one left behind

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