Soavé Lamoureux

"Who is he?"   "I am Soavé Lamoureux, Enlisted Executive Advisor of the NuovaFirenzzane Armed Forces, your Imperial Majesty."   "What a long title."   "I only have the one, whereas you have many."  
The young Infanté of Sardé raised his hand like a fighter acknowledging a hit. His book of titles had five pages, the longest of any ruler in Arnd, in no small part because it was much easier to add titles, than to grow the economy of Sardé or improve the standard of living. His counterpart in Kagomei, the formidable Amalthéa Kagomé, had four pages, but the standard of living in Kagomei was on an elevator, and their economy was poised to double within the next five years. By then, they'd be welcomed in the Gubba-12 with open arms.
  "Your people and mine split from the same spring, when the earthquake hit dsæo, my people raised an unprecedented hundred million Sardollars to help, in view of this, I want to visit Dsaeo, I want to see what you've done with the money."   "Quite reasonable, your Imperial Majesty, I shall advise our security forces, so that they can prepare."   "I've heard of your Journaled Task Force 2, why journaled?"   "Because everything they do while on duty is recorded, preserved, analyzed. They are a political enforcement arm of our government, making sure our parties and elected officials do no harm."   "And they have the same requirement of record as bodygards of your elected officials?"   "Mostly, they are not required to record when assigned to the official residence of our officials within that residence. The Jade Bank in the cameras blanks out what's inside the Geofence of each building, but will record something happening across the street if they are looking from within."   "I'm told that was your idea?"   "I suggested some of these ideas when I was with the 26th Regiment, which is still part of JTF2."   "Do you still think those are all good ideas?"   "Mostly, yes, being able to trust your leaders is important. Trusting your law enforcement is also important."


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