Kagomine Armed Service Non-Commissioned Officer Uniforms

Armed Services

First off, let's talk about the elephant in the room. There's a singular not commissioned rank, nominated by Meihomei, countersigned by Nameihomei and Valour-keeper of Kagomei. It's the seniormost non-commissioned rank in all the armed services(note, not the armed forces, which are a subset). Roughly equivalent to our own rank of E-9 Command Master Chief Petty Officer of the New Etruscan Navy, it's unique in Arnd for granting the holder the ear of the Sovereign, and authority, in times of war, not unlike the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, with one caveat: the telbun is in everyone's chain of command, since he countersigns commissioned appointments. The Telbun also has authority to call military tribunal on any commissioned officer he has ratified. Proposals to have even one tenth of the authority of the Telbun invested in a single non-commissioned officer in New Etrusca had half the flag officers threatening to resign. It's no accident however, the last two holders of the office of Telbun are the two single most decorated officers in the history of Kagomei outside of their founders: six Merit of Honours and one Order of Emerald between them, the two second cousins saved Meihomei's life upwards of ten times. It's telling that they are considered 'among' the greatest Telbuns. There are humorous stories about their fame being spread among other treaty nations, and their being saluted immensely by various nations, such as the Nisei. A Telbun's uniform is not usually branded with the colours of their prior service. However, it is tradition for them to deliberately mar such a uniform with a few drops of paint spatter, in the appropriate colour, to mark their origins. A Telbun's Kon is also of interest. Most Kon represent a branch of service: gunnery, staffing, medical, radar, propulsion. A Telbun's Silver Diamond is unique, and seems to represent the unity of all the branches of service.

Special Forces

Flying Forces

Ground Forces

Naval Forces

NFOR-09 Tiger-Striped Javelin Bundle

Space Forces

— Central Knowledge Agency of New Firenze
Civic, Military, Not Commissioned


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