Kagomine Manor Plan

"My, I love what you've done with the plan!"   "It was here when I started, I haven't really had time to decorate." No, Luci hadn't, but she had time to send a small army of decorators, planners, contractors, etc, to enact her plan though... But they didn't need to know that.   "So you're following the plan precisely?"   "No, not exactly, there's no place in the plan for a Grobu, and Lunqui is far too talented for me to consider not having one."   "A grobu? But that's a huge instrument!"   "That it is, but Lunqui plays it most beautifully. Lunqui dear, would you play a few moments for our impromptu guests?" Lunqui, who had been seated at the Grobu, trying not to be noticed, immediately started playing, relieved at not having to make conversation to those obviously snob aristocrats. Lucy was clearly more comfortable with them than he was.   "Oh, he does seem quite in control of the instrument." Lunqui was doing a rather low glissando at the moment, hardly as difficult at the superficial woman thought, but something she could certainly appreciate.


In 670AK, then-family head Encansor Herringbone
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