Letter of Creance, from the ruler of the Tsou to the Kagomine Empress, regarding our most loyal subject Furuken Tsimori

To our Esteemed Neighbour
New Tsou City,
Undeciem the Ninth, 814,
Megamisama Palace of Kagomei
In the Year of Wet Friviolity
  Greetings, Esteemed Neighbour, we write to you this day to make you aware of our wish that Furuken Tsimori, our Orange Prince be our Ambassador to your court, plenipotentiary to our business with you, and accored all ranks, titles, privileges and advantages available to such a rank. It is furthermore our intent that he be recognized as a friend of your people and as a representative of our trust and faith in good relations among neighbours.   Accordingly, we are sending him to you with gifts of our esteem and wish him to be accepted and welcome among you as if he were our own person.   Accordingly, we sign and seal this document ourselves making Furuken Tsimori's legal person in Kagome legally equivalent to our own.
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