Loosie Fehr

"May I see your identification please?"


"Please come with me. You are expected."


"OF-05 Maser Bornagain will see you shortly."

"Thank you."

"Seraphim Loosie Fehr, of the New Etruscan security service, I presume?"

"You have the advantage of me, ... Zim?"

"Hopefully, a Seraphim isn't grade seven is it?"

It is grade seven and you must know this, a grade five sent to meet me?

"Because, my actual rank is no Maser, I am the Phaser, and Treaty Authority's right hand in the matter of secret business."

"Treaty authority? Which treaty are we talking about?"

"Why the newest treaty your nation has just signed, the The Lai Dang Accords ."

"We did, happy to be of help, so this is to be the secret enforcement, making sure the other signatories are upholding theirs, and what not?"

"Mostly we are trying to prevent misunderstandings from causing incidents with regards to treaty enforcement."

"And treaty enforcement in this case is?"

"A signal portion of the military assets of all signatories, a misunderstanding could cause major damage."

"How would a misunderstanding happen?"

"Oh, some signatory misrepresenting theirs or some other signatories' intentions or actions during a joint mission, for instance, and calling for cavalier risk management as a result." Loosie didn't need to be told he meant: take a skycarrier, load it with munitions, and oops, have them fall on signatories you don't like during the heat of battle.

"How likely is that? Surely, we're all united by our opposition to the invaders."

"Of course, but opportunity is not bound by the treaty, neither are our enemies."

"Oh, like taking advantage of enemy action, but selectively?"

"That is a concern, not all treaty signatories have, shall we say, the same geographical footprint."

New Firenze, with it's massive land mass, and containing more drinkable water than the next five next nations, had been harping this, Loosie knew, and that explained this posting. "I take it we have missions with our names on it?"

"No, the future is more fluid than that, but I have a team I intend for you to join. Code named A.u.n.t.i.e., the Adjunct Unified Network for Treaty Inter-allied Enforcement, they all report directly to me, they all have specific interests and specialties, and their mission is to prevent actions against the avowed interests and goals of the treaties." He pressed a button. "Take note of these individuals."



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