Meihomei's Eye/Brevet Rank

Flag bridge, EMS Analecta Kagome, at dawn, a pale, pink glow staining the horizon. As the skycutter dropped off two officers, then flew off the first barked: "Flag-Officer, Arriving!"
  "I am Taimine Ominari Calloway. Attention to orders!"
  "Zim-Zim!" They stood at an easy parade rest.
  "NFOF-04 Scorpion Andei Dandelion, you have Meihomei's Eye on you. See that you do well! As per this day, you will be addressed as Brevet-Ballista Dandelion, and subject to all prerogatives and duties expected of one. The orders state this for two reasons, one, as I have already stated, you have the attention of high command. Second, you are to take command of this Vessel, and I hardly need to tell you that the commander of this most prestigious vessel requires a commander of discretion and seniority."
  "Everyone knows that as flag-ballista of Meihomei's own flagship, I am expected to outdo reality."
  "Well, maybe you can leave that to your new commanding officer, I'm only here on an interim basis."
  "Oh, couldn't our new commander bring their own orders then?"
  "It's regulation for no more than one brevet officer be presented their orders at a time."
  "A Brevet-Medjen, Zim? On this Fleet Detachment?"
  "That's correct."
  "Must be some Element's pet."
  "People would say the same of you, Ballista Dandelion."
  "I guess I have less chances of convincing now, than I had before."
  "Yes, quite."
  "Are we waiting for something?"
  "Your new fleet officer."
  A different skycutter, an armed version, stopped on the landing pad at the back of the ship. A five-soldier team surrounded their principal, as they walked behind their officer, a no-nonsense hero with a lantern jaw of justice. The principal wasn't visible yet, so high were the fire-team's helms' plumes. "Flag-officer, arriving!"
  "Attention to orders, it is under Meihomei's signed orders that I arrive to you today."
  "Zim-Zim." The parade rest was not casual now.
  "Give me some Demon-bashed breathing room, those feathers are making me sneeze!"
  The lifeguards hid their smiles as they stopped encircling the principal quite so tightly. Now that she was visible, Andei could see why someone would think she was the Element's pet. Tall, with dark skin, shoulder-length black hair, blue-grey eyes, muscles like a swimmer or runner, maybe. And he was going to have trouble keeping his eyes up to eye level, lots of trouble.


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