New Etruscan Ethnicity

I am Phoenician

Those were the words that were written in the Discovery journal of Phoenician, setting a pattern for self-declared titles among New Etruscans, dating back to their discoverer, who never saw them as their own nation. Indeed he ran back to Sardé as soon as he could, hoping to cure the Chitau Famine.   But to the New Etruscans, Phoenician is more than a watchword. He is their claim to fame, established where now Dsaeo stands, the first settlement of the new nation soon expanded, and while accusations of military expansionism have been levied against the future New Etruscan nation, proof of such was never assembled.   That, however, does not mean they were angels, their aggressive expansionism warranted aggressive diplomacy, backed by military force from their neighbours, the New Lollandese. To their north, the NuovaFirenzzan had a much more integrated approach with the natives, and the local tongues remain spoken by more native speakers on the northern subcontinent.   The massive Fenici Diaspora created six nations, three of which are members of the G-12, and the largest of which would be two members of the G-12, were it not for an artifact of the treaties in place at the time. Ferrare, the largest part of Benevento, would rate 20th most prosperous nation by GNP. Brescia, as it stands, keeps growing, in part because no one dare lose most favoured nation status with it, such is the power of that economic engine, built upon trade after trade.   Most people forget the beginning of that trade juggernaut was the internal trade between the Fenici diaspora. Sardé, Brescia, Benevento, New Etrusca, New Firenzze and Cato Delengo.
— Phoenix or not: the case of New Etruscan culture, Dsaeo press.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Sony, Ainsley, Ashley, Haley, Caley, Zaley, Zoey

Masculine names

Wesley, Bosley, Wellesley, Owlsley, Valey, Waley
Parent ethnicities
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