Phoenix Class Exploratory Cruisers

"General quarters, this is not a drill!"   "Bring me up to speed, Flag!"   "Zim-Meritant-Zim, we have an incoming ship on an intercept course."   "We're escorting a State official here, but we are not at war, Flag, go to condition Amber."   "Zim-Meritant-Zim..."   "Oh, yes, quite, I have the Flag, Scorpion Nimousin, you are relieved. Now, I want to remind all of you that we're here to keep an eye on Secretary Veneer, not the New Etruscan Second Shadow Division. But, we may need to do the seccond to make sure we do the first properly, as our Nameihomei, being of distant noble Etruscan/Benevent lineage, but famously successful in her own right, is one they'd want to weaponize, for propaganda purposes."   "At ease, Medjen Dandelion, I'm well aware of the Second Shadow Division, they'd use aircushion ships, not sailboats, however. They have this speed worship going on."   "They have some sailing ships with solar sails now, and eletrically-powered propellers, I'd not discount this one just yet."   "That's new, and disturbing. How do we know about these?"   "They're only a rumour so far, we haven't found or seen any yet. But the materials missing from one of their stockpiles and sent to Tzekaukus just in time for 'terrorists' to seize them and make them disappear is only a coincidence if you allow such."   "And we know this because?"   "Mister Keffiyeh has some sources there..."   "Whoever comes up with these names needs help."   "Heh. I suspect we know the principals anyways, as long as they wear their medals, some of which, they're required by law to wear."   "Tell me about this ship..."   "Oh, this is the classic wooden contruction for a Beneventi Exploratory Cruiseer, like the BVV Phoenix."'   "But the BVV Phoenix is older than Kagomei!"   "They haven't made a better sailing ship, well, maybe Ambulon... but she is twenty years younger than this design, although this one is not a year over twenty itself..."  
  "My benevolents, we are being overtaken by a ship of such magnitude, our ancestors would have taken pause!"   "She's tacking into the wind to keep with us, Sir!"   "Well, she would, and with those solar skimpanels and fuel cells, I don't imagine it'll tax that monstrosity."   "How big is she, really, Sir? Perspective can be deceiving."   "In this case, it's deceptive the other way, she's almost three times as big as we are."   "Noyjitat! That cliff of a bow, she's how high?"   "Eighty meters."   "Tell me we're not here to fight her!"   "We're an exploratory cruiser, we're not here to fight anybody."   "Good.'   "You can say that, any hyper or gunskycutter or pillder squadron aboard could sink us."   "She has how many?"   "Depends on her loadout. Some of those have more than three hundred craft aboard."  
  "Three masts, how many sails?"   "Ninety-two discreet sails, a proper rigging at that."   "I know the name of the class, and I know she's not the lead, do we know who she is?"   "That nameplate has seen some rain, but I made out BVV Plenipotentiary."   "Ah, makes sense. And she's got guns?"   "Over a hundred, not sure if they will still fire, or if they dared carry the blackfire powder on her to do so with."   "
BVV-1 to 16, those numbers are reserved for the class.
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