Samatran Ethnicity

"Welcome, who do I announce?" The door guards of the throne room of the Island Kingdom of Samatra's booming voice asked.   "I am Linnaeus Van Pelt Ryder Kannagael, Baron of Welf. I bear a letter on behalf of Meihomei. With me is a colleague, also of our diplomatic corps." He didn't mention the half-squad of Second Megamisama Lifeguards with them, the guard took no offence, nor did they.   "Highest-above-highs? Surely that title is a trifle surfeit."   "Your ruler and Meihomei share a dignity, not bending the knee to either Goguryean or Moniqan Invader, for that, we salute you."   "Oh, and you're a learned one, to come to Samatra thus armed, with knowledge. I shall announce you, but to soothe my own ruler's temper, I'll only say 'the ruler of Kagomei', and save myself the tantrum."   "That is perfectly acceptable, thank you."   "A pair of messengers, with a letter, from the ruler of Kagomei, Greatest."   "Let them enter and speak, I would hear what they bring."   "I am Linnaeus Van Pelt Lanungmei of Saphirdom, Feyd Soshitan, Ryder Kannagael], Baron of Welf, I greet you King Seondohk, in homor in both mine and Kagomei's name. My humble self has been chosen by the Kagomine crown to bring you this missive, and introduce you to my companion, Voice of Meihomei Vantrak Vadaryaman, on whose behalf we bear this missive."   "That... traitor?"   "Strong words, surely trade is no treason."   "I had ordered a full embargo!"   "If he had obeyed, Kagomei might not stand to offer its hand in alliance, and sponsorship for membership in the treaty of Lai Dang, surely some accomodation can be made?"   "You'd sponsor us? But you have all these new, powerful friends, the Eurani, the Moniqi..."   "We Kagomine have a proverb, you'd as soon run out of air as run out of friends, and you will be equally bereft in either case."   "Approach, let me see this letter..."  
By the hand of Imperatrix Amalthea Kagomé, and at her instruction Megamisama Palace, 16 Hexem, 815,   Greetings, Cousin, I know in my bones what it is to be a small fish, swimming in a pool of larger sharks. A ruler cannot only think of their own fish, but must decide what sharks are rabid and must be put down, and which can be accomodated with. In doing this evaluation of my treaty obligations, I realized I could, and should, sponsor other nations to join the treaty, and it's tariff-less structure for many goods not of signal cultural or religious significance. Because I believe this to be to your advantage, and because I feel he knows your people better than anyone else I could send, I chose Ventrak, to bear my will and carry my voice to you, in friendship and freedom. I offer membership in the treaty freely. Because I feel it is in your interest to accept, and because I find advantage in my friends, colleagues and allies joining me in commerce and mutual self-defense. Please accept Ventrak's words as my own unless I strike them down, for he is my plenipotentiary in these matters, and has been trained to help you, should you decide to join the treaty, in meeting its many legal and technical requirements. Respectfully,
Amalthéa Kagome
  "Is this a threat?"   "Surely not, a mere statement of fact, Kagomei's Megamisama is home to twelve million, is your island host to two million yet, great ruler?"   "Ah, no, not yet. So this is hardball."   "I'm sorry you choose to see it this way, I advised against this tack, but others felt to de-emphasize the rapport of strength would be disingenous, we just ceased fighting with the invaders..."   "What? What happened? I was not told this."   "We have a temporary truce, while we discuss things with the invaders, they've chosen Kagomei to speak for Arnd, for now."   "And you want us to join your treaty? It is farce."   "No, it is not, I swear it is not."   "Where is Domei Veneer? Why am I discussing this with someone who last I checked, was a Feyd and assistant-auxiliary-vice-under-secretary?"   "The baby she is expecting is to come soon, and lest it displease your greatness, my fortunes have soared, since Lai Dang."   "Just how high?"   "I am now Vice-Undersecretary."   "And your sister?"   "I'm sorry?"   "You said 'since Lai Dang', I'm not uninformed, if you rose, she rose too, you worked together, and did notable things."   "Err, yes, she is now Undersecretary."   "Oh is she, where is she now?"   "Back in Lai Dang, some treaty formalities." That was a lie, one Linus hoped wouldn't get explored too closely, her trip to the stars was classified, and restricted only to treaty members, which this minor king was not, yet..   "Any reason why you, and not her?"   "She's taking time off soon, she asked me to take care of this, personally."   "Oh, I swear with your Kagomine it's code for 'found a new partner, founding a family', each time one of you says that to me, they don't come back and the excuse is someone being pregnant."   "Well, if I become an Uncle, it's not an excuse, now is it? Although, perhaps, we should not be so... predictable..."   "Ah, well, yes, I guess you'd want your sister to have children at some point too, but what about yourself?"   "Ah-ehm, well, I shouldn't discuss such affairs in a professional context, but... things are progressing."   "Oh, congradulations. It used to be my kingdom's tradition that I'd share my wife with our ambassadors, you know..."   "That must have been awkward..."   "I imagine my wife would not leave any pieces large enough to identify if I tried..."   "My new Miptun is certainly formidable, I'd not look forward to explain to her such a procedure..."   "I imagine your escorts know her, do they share this opinion?"   "Ah, your greatness, we... are not accepting bets where our principal here wins... His miptun tought us hand to hand combat."   "She thaught Second Meihomei hand to hand combat?" The king quirked an eyebrow, their reputation...   "She was teaching First and Second. We've yet to find a better teacher."   "I can see why that would be difficult... First Meihomei's legend is that they can beat four to one odds hand to hand, with one hand tied..."   "First Meihomei was thaught by Marhamat Dandelion as well, hence the legend. Didn't he beat eight to one odds, once?"   "Not just once, but then, he's the single most decorated soldier in the history of Kagomei, bar its legendary founders."   "You know a lot about us."   "Know your enemies, know your friends, know the difference. That is a Samatran proverb."   "Quite. I have another request, if I may?"   "Yes?"   "Can we talk about re-enabling Sama-Cola imports to Kagome? I miss the taste."   "Oh, do you?"   "Yes, and the black market is not my favorite thing, either."


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