Title 002: of a requirement for correct and effective regulation
Being that Title 001 has established the principles of our new nation, we now set forth some corollaries of these principles, to enumerate expected results from their application. In order to guarantee maximal utility from the laws for the people governed, the efficiency and application of the laws must be measured. Laws found not to be enforced in a consistent manner will be re-evaluated, possibly setting forth more homogeous application for such laws. When a law is found that the law is not applied consistently because it does not affect the citizens in a consistent manner itself, it should be withdrawn, or the government will have to justify keeping such a law for a worthwhile purpose.Challenge
The venue for challenge of any law will be parliament itself, but absent a supermajority, shall remand such cases to a class 4 constitutional court, such as silver court of Byzance, or the Black Court of Megamisama. An invidual law can only be challenged five years after it has been promulgated, and only once every year thereafter. Any invidual member of parliament can only challenge five laws in a two years period, to prevent abuse and spurious challenges.Data
The Executive Branch of the empire of great kagomei shall keep such statistics as the rate of each crime occuring, and the rate at which it prosecutes each crime, under the aegis of the Lifeguard Protectors, who are specifically empowered to investigate the conduct of armed servicemembers tasked with law enforcement wherever in Kagomei it may occur. The budget of this agency will be drawn independantly from any law enforcement unit, and for administrative purposes, shall be considered a part of Assignment Branch. Shall be considered law enforcement units for the purpose of this act:Retention
In order to allow comparison of laws and their efficiency, this data shall be kept for no less than 20 years, in 9 different locations, 3 each under the aegis of the lifeguard protectors, three under the border guards, and three under the armed forces, in three different service branches. This data is not to be singled out in any way, and is to be stored along regular critical, long-retention data at those facilities. This data is to remain accessible for prosecution of armed service members of all stripes, and any long-term recording of Kagomine citizens for any large-scale purpose(this excludes narrowly-defined areas of interest of national security), shall be stored in this manner,, and remain accessible for anyone, including individual citizens who feel their rights have been violated by law enforcement.
Text, Legislative