Veri Special Motors VSM-1300 Cicia Cro Sto- Wise try to see

"We are here at the world launch of the Veri Special Motors' latest model, the Cicia Cro Sto, which for our viewers not fluent in ancient Fenici, stands for 'the wise try to see', a nearly blasphemous nickname, just what we're used to from Veri, and we're joined with our special mundane correspondant, Ninu dell'Auro."   "Thank you Nami, yes, the new Veri is out, and driving it out in the streets of Montaco-di-Cassino is professional test pilot and race car driver Andrei Gurseng. As is tradition in these events, he will try to first attract attention of law enforcement, and try to escape getting a ticket." Everyone knows this is staged, and the law enforcement in question has police versions of the vehicles, with a preplanned route designed to minimize the risk of accidents, Ninu thought, the last four events had a zero accident rate, let alone casualty but made for great television.   "As is tradition, other exclusive patrons of the brand have been invited to show off their new posessions. I see a striking red vehicle, a dark blue vehicle, and an entourage of five emerald-and-black vehicles arriving. Do we know of any Kagomei owners, Ninu?"   "That would be the Imperial State of Kagomei itself Nami, the heir, Amarat, has been an ambassador of the brand since he learned to drive... It's the first time we've seen his full cortege outfitted with actual vehicles however, they usually made do with knock offs for the bodyguards..."   "Oh, and you've met him, I'm told he's the most eligible bachelor in all of Kagomei?"   "Oh dear, poor Nami, you're a few years out of date... Amarat's married, and quite happily so, by all reports." Ninu just glared at her coworker over the camera... I've had it put in my contract I can't talk about him, you idiot!   "Oh, is that him, stepping out of the fourth vehicle?"   "Well, his bodyguards are thought to be body doubles, so let's see..." Four identical men alit from four identical cars, while the central vehicle remained stationary, the men all opened the door for identical-looking women, at a distance at least, petite, fit soldier builds. The fifth car opened, and the fifth identical-looking man did the same for the woman in this car, as well, and the party, dressed in cocktail attire went to mingle, drawing stares for just who could escape the allure of figuring out which ones were the real ones...   "Could you tell which ones are real, Ninu?"   "Not from this distance, surely..."   "Well, one pair is heading in your direction..."   "Can't be the real ones then..."   "Why not?"   "Think, Nami, send the real ones to say hello to your childhood friend? How's that for hiding who's the real one?"   "I heard that... Nice to see you Ninu..."   "You're not Amarat, pleased to meet you, Mister Harpoon ?" She referred to his navy title, an educated guess.   "Oi, what gave me away?"   "Amarat is my friend, but even he'd think twice before abandoning his cover so blatantly..."   "Oh, is that what we're doing?" Ninu had heard that voice before... The witch! Oh, well done, break them up, no one will think they'd do that, even for a social event...   "Nameita Veneer?"   "I didn't give up my name, when I married Amarat, I am Nameita Flora, or Nameita Rolli, if you're being formal... Not that I'd stand on the Nameita, it chafes to even hear that word..." She stepped in for the traditional, in Ninu's culture, cheek-kiss.   Ninu stiffened, she'd never been a big fan of that particular tradition, always made her feel over-affecionate, with people who she knew only superficially. "Flora, if I may, but then you can call me Ninu."   "Ninu. We'll be seeing more of each other now."   "Oh, the shares transfer?"   "Yes, since I'm taking over for Amarat as the main shareholder, we'll be seeing each other at Sirius Technologies every so often."   Ninu grit her teeth. "So you've broken it up, not minding to see him over another woman's arm?"   "Our bodyguards are a bit shy for that..." She pointed to her own escort, whose body language was all business.   "Drat." Ninu had noticed the same thing for all four other pairs. "I was hoping that'd be a clue...
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