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PFRPG: Ultimate Equipment

Corset of Dire Witchcraft

Aura: moderate abjuration;  Caster Level: 6;  Body Slot: body;  Price: 22,000 gp;  Weight: 1 lb. 

This slimming garment is fastened with laces, buckles, and buttons and reinforced with ribs of leather or bone.   A corset of dire witchcraft grants a +4 armor bonus to AC. If the wearer is a witch, each day when she communes with her familiar to prepare spells, she may enhance one hex she knows, increasing its caster level by +2 for 24 hours. This enhancement ends if the corset is removed or if she uses it to enhance a different hex.

Construction Requirements:
Feats Craft Wondrous Item, mage armor; Special creator must be a witch; Cost 11,000 gp


Created by



Pathfinder 1e

Statblock Type

Wondrous Item
