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Hit Points

Hit Dice: d4 per Farmer level
Hit Points at first Level: 4 + your constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d4 (or 3) + your constitution modifier per Farmer level after first


Armor: None
Weapons: All simple weapons, Scythes, Tridents, & Simple Firearms.
Tools: One artisan's tools, one musical instrument, and the Herbalism kit.
Saving Throws: Wisdom, Constitution
Skills: Choose four from Athletics, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, History, Investigation, Nature, Religion, Animal Handling, Insight, Medicine, Perception, Survival, Deception, & Persuasion.

Class Features

Camp Mastery With your knowledge of how to set up a proper and suitable campsite rather quickly, giving all your allies more time to rest in a very nicely put up area. When taking a short rests, you and your allies may add your Camp Mastery bonus to their maximum amount of HitDie they can use for healing. This bonus at +1 at level one, and increases by +1 at 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th levels.   Earth’s Bounty With a fierce determination to better yourself and live up to the tales of adventures you’ve heard of through your life you are a quick study and take in as much of every experience that you can, and even share all that you learn with your allies. After each encounter, you gain a small boost to your experience gained, equal to your Earth’s Bounty percentage.   Keen eye At level 1, with a knack for spotting small details and finding good trails, your eyes are trained for spotting up and coming danger as well as hidden secrets and paths. You can add double your Wisdom modifier to Perception (Sight) checks made to find enemies, and secret paths. Also a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier per long rest you can treat any perception check roll of 9 or lower as a 10.   Flee At level 1, you know that when it comes to exploration, the most important thing above all else is survival, as such your always ready to escape from a difficult situation at a moments notice, and of course you won’t be leaving your allies behind. Once per short rest you can use Flee as an action, When fleeing you and your allies can all take the Disengage action followed immediately by the dash action, however instead of gaining double movement speed you gain triple movement speed instead.   Harvestry At level 1, as master of your craft, you can spot the best materials, herbs, fruit, and vegetables out of the bunch; always seeming to be able to find exactly what you need out in the wilderness. You gain proficiency with Survival and Nature, if you already have proficiency with Survival and/or Nature you gain double proficiency. This ability upgrades at level 10, giving you Double proficiency in both skills if you only have normal proficiency with them or permanent advantage if you have double Proficiency.   Subclass Knowing for sure that you want to take on the life of an adventurer you have two paths ahead of you, both bringing their own advantages to you and your friends as you can explore. The path of the ??? will let you focus more on what your best at, improving your abilities to harvest, survive, and spot out dangers, bringing a great asset to your team. While the other path, the path of ???, has you grit your teeth and take up arms, learning a new skill to compensate for your lack of physical prowess in order to be of aid to your friends while in the throals of combat.   Strange Seeds At 3rd level you recall that during your travels you had come across some rather strange seeds that when thrown can plant themselves quickly and erupt very quickly afterwards as well into patches of thorny vines. Once per short rest, as an action you can throw 2d4 Strange seeds into any number of 5-foot squares within 30feet of yourself. The seeds plant themselves into any soft ground instantly (Such as sand, or dirt) and hard ground after twelve seconds. After thirty seconds of being buried the seeds will erupt into five foot brambles of thorny vines, turning the squares they were plannted in into difficult terrain. Any creature that passes over the terrain takes 1d4 piercing damage and any creature that was on the square where the seeds were planted when it erupts must pass a Dexterity saving throw (DC 12) or become entangled in the thorny vines, taking 2d6 piercing damage.   ABILITY SCORE IMPROVEMENT When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability score by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.   Horseplay At 6th level you know that you should always take pride in your work and to work hard, but you also know that it’s important to relax as well to not strain or over exert yourself. Once per long rest, whenever you are not in combat you can activate this ability, once activated you and all your allies can spend a short time goofing off, relaxing, and lightening their load. During this time, all participating creatures are able to heal by 1HD + your Wisdom modifier without extending one of their healing HitDie uses.   Rotten Egg At 7th level you have cultivated a supply of old and rotten eggs that you are quite adept at chucking at your enemies, disorienting and weakening them. A # of times equal to your intelligence modifier per short rest, As an action you can make a ranged attack roll against a single enemy within 60 feet, on a hit the enemy takes 1+dex damage and must pass a Constitution saving throw (DC 10+Wis) or gain disadvantage on their next attack and damage rolls.   Rain or Shine At 9th level through your experience having to work through any kind of terrain you know how to properly travel over most surfaces without trouble, you can also teach these ways to your allies. You no longer take any movement penalties from difficult terrain, at 12th level this ability is granted to all allies within 30 feet who can see you.   Brave Heart At 10th level you have spent some quality time adventuring, and you know of it’s dangers. As you continue to stand up to face the trials and consequences of the occupation you can feel yourself getting stronger. Your HitDie increases to a d6 and you gain 1+ ½ Con to your Max HP for every Farmer level up to ten. When making a melee attack roll against a creature that no other creature is targeting, gain 1+Con temporary hit points up to a maximum of your Farmer level.   Safe Stroll At 13th level while you have a better understanding of how to handle yourself in a fight you still know it’s best not to get in one at all, and that when in a fight, it’s best if you don’t get targeted. A # of times per long rest = to your Dexterity modifier you can activate safe stroll, slowing your breathing and becoming even more vigilant to your surroundings. For ½ Farmer level minutes you and your allies gain advantage on all Stealth checks and all creatures also have disadvantage on any perception checks made to find you or your allies.   Share the Wealth At 15th level you have quite the attunement for aiding you allies, and have learned a good way of keeping them alive and well, by sharing your own vitality. As an action you can press your hand against any creature in melee range and transfer to them half of your current hit points. You can only do this once per creature, per short rest.   Slap Awake At 18th level your first aid skills for your team have improved quite a bit, allowing you to even go as far as to save someone from the very brink of death. Once per creature per long rest, when you are within 5 feet of a creature making a death saving throw, as an action, you can kneel down and give them a hearty slap, giving them an instant success to their throw.   Final Secret At 20th level you have learned an important secret that is unparalleled in its effectiveness to aid an adventuring team, and you can utilize this secret to help give your allies that last good push onwards that they may need. Once every 24 hours while outside of combat you can spend one minute per ally working over your fellow adventures and revitalizing them, all creatures affected by this ability regain any expended uses of all their long rest and short rest abilities. You can not target yourself with this ability and this ability will not recharge 24 hour reset abilities.

Starting Equipment

You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background: 2 sickles, 2 daggers, or a trident(pitchfork), one musical instrument of your choice, one artisan’s tool of your choice, an herbalism kit, a pet (discuss with GM), and 1d4 * 10 gold.

Subclass Options

Path of the Gatherer   Waste Not After choosing the Path of the Gatherer Subclass at 2nd level, you have devoted yourself to the tasks of utility, preservation, and exploration, as such the first skill you pick up maximizes the potential profit from every battle. After each encounter you may roll 1d100 for every slain creature that still has a body that can be looted. You have a chance of finding money, saleable materials, useable equipment, or even magical items. Percentage chart detailed at bottom of class description.   Excavation At 5th level your agricultural and architectural knowledge has grown quite a bit, to the point you can even find treasures buried under the ground. Once per long rest you can spend up to ten minutes checking an area for buried materials. Roll 1d10 to see what you find. 1: Nothing. 2: 1d4 gold. 3: 1d6 gold. 4: 1d8 gold. 5: 1d10 gold. 6: 2d4+4 gold. 7: 2d6+6 gold. 8: 2d8+8 gold. 9: 2d10+10 Gold. 10: 3d12+12 Gold.   Godsend At 8th level your boundless luck has mixed well with your knack for finding treasures and useful materials and items for yourself and your allies. Once per 24 hours, during a short rest, you can scavenge around for useful materials, treasure, items, and more. Roll 1d100, 1-5: Roll for a trinket | 6-16: 3d10+20 Gold | 17-27: 6d12+30 Gold | 28-38: 1d4 items from the adventuring gear list (GM’s choice) | 39-49: A simple weapon | 50-60: Light armor | 70-80: Medium armor | 81-85: 1d8 items from the adventuring gear list (GM’s choice) | 86-90: A martial weapon | 90-95: Heavy armor | 96-100: Roll for a magical item.   Survival Wisdom At 11th level with your accumulated wealth of experience knowledge for surviving in dangerous places you have learned the best places for rests and how to get the most out of your time resting to prolong your excursions for as long as possible. During short rests all creatures have disadvantage when trying to sneak up on or ambush your allies campsite or resting spot. Also, when healing during a short rest you and your allies may treat any HD roll that is less than half of their maximum roll, as half.   Natures Blessing At 14th level your luck is so great it may as well be a gift from the gods themselves, as you are able to find things seemingly randomly that you perhaps should not have been able to, but were just lucky enough to spot. When traversing through wilderness or inside dungeons / labyrinths / mazes / ect. You have permanent advantage to your passive perception for spotting danger, levers, traps, hidden passageways, and other creatures.   Double Crop At 17th level your skills in survival within the labyrinth and wilderness have reached their peak, making you an extremely reliable and dependable source for food, water, and safe passage through danguries areas. Your Camp Mastery HitDie bonus is doubled.   Path of the Harvester   Sympathy Pain At 2nd level when you choose this subclass you have taken the first steps to becoming a real adventurer, able to help out his teammates, not just in exploration but in combat as well, finding that you can use your own weakness to your advantage in a combat situation with just a little bit of charm. As a bonus action whenever you take damage from a humanoid enemy you may show just how hurt you are, the creature that attacked you must pass a Charisma saving throw (DC 10 + Cha ) or gain disadvantage on their next attack and damage rolls.   Fearless At 5th level you have managed to swallow down your fear of the enemies you might face, knowing you can be just as brave as your allies around you, even in the middle of combat. You have advantage with checks made to prevent fear effects, when facing an enemy creature in one-on-one combat you have advantage on all attack rolls made to hit that creature.   Lullaby At 8th level you have found that the enemies threatening you and your friends are much less of a threat when they are asleep, so with a selection of songs that you know always helped you sleep, you are able to try and get your enemies to stop in their tracks. Once per long rest as an action you can sing a lullaby and all creatures within 60 feet who can hear you, including yourself, must pass a Constitution saving throw or fall asleep (DC 12 + Con) or on a successful save, have disadvantage on their next attack roll. This ability can be negated entirely by any creature who can’t hear or blocks their ears preemptively before hand.   Blessed Remains At 11th level you know that slain creatures are quite a bit more likely to hold treasures then just finding them randomly, so you do your best to preserve what you can from your fallen enemies with each kill. Whenever you land a killing blow on a creature you are able to loot their bodies for goodies. Roll a d12; 1: Roll for a trinket | 2: 1d6 Gold | 3: 1d12 Gold | 4: 2d10 Gold | 5: 3d8 Gold | 6: A simple weapon (GM’s choice) | 7: Armor (GM’s choice) | 8: A martial weapon (GM’s choice) | 9: 1 gold bar | 10: 1d4 adventuring gear items | 11: Roll for a gemstone | 12: Roll for a magical item.   Harvest Festival At 14th level you taken to combat rather well, able to reap your enemies as well as you can wheat, bringing their lives to a quick end, knowing survival is more assured the less time you spend fighting, you have trained yourself to try and make every strike you make count. When making an attack roll against an enemy, on a critical hit you have a 5% chance to get an instant-kill; this percentage rises to 10% when using a scythe.   Persistence At 17th level your grit and determination and training to be the best adventurer you can be is clear, you’ve worked hard to get where you are now, and through that hard work you have gained a will that refuses to quit. When you are brought down to zero hit points but not killed outright. You have an 80% Chance to get back onto your feet with 1HitDie of HP, this effect can be used multiple times, however with each activation the chance goes down by 20%, the activation chance for this ability resets during long rests.

LevelProficiency BonusFeaturesCamp MasteryEarth’s Bounty
1st+2Keen Eye, Flee, Harvestry+1 HitDie+10% EXP
2nd+2Subclass (Gatherer/Harvester), Subclass feature+1 HitDie+12% EXP
3rd+2Strange seeds+1 HitDie+12% EXP
4th+2Ability score improvement+1 HitDie+14% Exp
5th+3Subclass feature+2 HitDie+14% EXP
6th+3Horseplay+2 HitDie+16% EXP
7th+3Rotten egg+2 HitDie+16% EXP
8th+3Subclass feature, Ability score improvement+2 HitDie+18% EXP
9th+4Rain or Shine+3 HitDie+18% EXP
10th+4Item Echo+3 HitDie+20% EXP
11th+4Subclass feature+3 HitDie+20% EXP
12th+4Ability score improvement+3 HitDie+22% EXP
13th+5Safe Stroll+4 HitDie+22% EXP
14th+5Subclass feature+4 HitDie+24% EXP
15th+5Share the Wealth+4 HitDie+24% EXP
16th+5Ability score improvement+4 HitDie+26% EXP
17th+6Subclass feature+5 HitDie+26% EXP
18th+6Slap awake+5 HitDie+28% EXP
19th+6Ability score improvement+5 HitDie+28% EXP
20th+6Final Secret+5 HitDie+30% EXP

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