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White Noise
-1 to -4
Also known as "Static" or "Banshee", you are a psionically capable person without any kind of training or ability to channel your powers, so you "scream" out into the ether around you, disrupting other psionic abilities around you. Any Psion around you have their power level dropped by the value you have in this ability to a minimum of 1. In addition, the difficulty for using psionic abilities near you increase by twice the value of your trait. If you are a banshee, you may not pick the Psion trait as your wild abilities completely disrupts your attempts at focusing your powers. You must first rid yourself of this trait before you can become a skilled psion.  
  1. Your ability covers an approximate 50 meters around you, reduce other Psions power by 1 and increase difficulty for using psionic abilities by +2.
  2. Your ability covers an approximate 100 meters around you, reduce other Psions power by 2 and increase difficulty for using psionic abilities by +4.
  3. Your ability covers an approximate 200 meters around you, reduce other Psions power by 3 and increase difficulty for using psionic abilities by +6.
  4. Your ability covers an approximate 500 meters around you, reduce other Psions power by 4 and increase difficulty for using psionic abilities by +8.
  Manifested psyghosts must make a mental save against double the value of this trait, or disperse.

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Statblock Type

CD10: Traits and Skills
