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Dresden NG
Character Name Alignment
Guiding Blade 1 , Gravedigger 4
Character Level
Human M
Race Size
Male 32
Gender Age
5'11" 195lbs
Height Weight
- -
Hair Eyes
- Golden City Outskirts
Deity Homeland
- 10000 XP
Domain/Oath/Patron/School XP

Ability Score Mod T.Adj T.Mod
8 -1 N/A -1
16 +3 N/A +3
14 +2 N/A +2
18 +4 N/A +4
14 +2 N/A +2
16 +3 N/A +3
 Change in tracker!
HP Total
Dam Red
Spell Res
Total AC
Flat Footed
Flat Footed + Touch
Save Total Base Ability Magic Misc Temp
Fortitude +3 +1 CON +2 +0 +0 +0
Reflex +8 +5 DEX +3 +0 +0 +0
Will +6 +4 WIS +2 +0 +0 +0
Saving Throw Notes

+2 bonus on all saving throws against death effects and energy drain

Combat Maneuver Bonus CMB
CMB BaB STR Size Misc
+2 +3 -1 +0 +0
Combat Maneuver Defense CMD
CMD Base BaB STR DEX Size Misc
16 10 +4 -1 +3 +0 +0
30 ft
30 ft
15 ft
15 ft

Common, Elvish, Orc, Goblin, Dwarven, Abyssal

Per Day
Spell List

Keen Senses, Cure Light Wounds, Detect Undead, Heightened Awareness, Shield, Cure Moderate Wounds, Barkskin,

Adventuring Skills
CS Skill Total AB Mod Ranks Misc
  Acrobatics +3 (DEX)  +3 +0 +0
Bluff +11 (CHA)  +3 +5 +3
  Climb -1 (STR)  -1 +0 +0
Diplomacy +10 (CHA)  +3 +4 +3
Disable Device* +10 (DEX)  +3 +4 +3
  Disguise +3 (CHA)  +3 +0 +0
  Escape Artist +3 (DEX)  +3 +0 +0
  Fly +3 (DEX)  +3 +0 +0
  Heal +2 (WIS)  +2 +0 +0
Intimidate +10 (CHA)  +3 +4 +3
Knowledge: Arcana +11 (INT)  +4 +4 +3
Knowledge: Dungeoneering +11 (INT)  +4 +4 +3
Knowledge: Local +11 (INT)  +4 +4 +3
Knowledge: Nature +11 (INT)  +4 +4 +3
Knowledge: Planes +11 (INT)  +4 +4 +3
Knowledge: Religion +11 (INT)  +4 +4 +3
Perception +9 (WIS)  +2 +4 +3
  Ride +3 (DEX)  +3 +0 +0
Sense Motive +9 (WIS)  +2 +4 +3
Spellcraft* +11 (INT)  +4 +4 +3
Stealth +10 (DEX)  +3 +4 +3
Survival +9 (WIS)  +2 +4 +3
  Swim -1 (STR)  -1 +0 +0
Background Skills
CS Skill Total AB Mod Ranks Misc
  Appraise +4 (INT)  +4 +0 +0
Knowledge: Engineering +8 (INT)  +4 +1 +3
Knowledge: Geography +8 (INT)  +4 +1 +3
Knowledge: History +8 (INT)  +4 +1 +3
Knowledge: Nobility +8 (INT)  +4 +1 +3
Linguistics* +8 (INT)  +4 +1 +3
Custom Skills
CS Skill Total AB Mod Ranks Misc

* only usable when trained (rank 1 and higher)
Skill Notes
+1 bonus to Diplomacy, Knowledge(religion), and Survival when related to undead.Undead gain a +1 bonus to learn about YOU.

Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Charnel Soldiers, Wounded Paw Gambit, Broken Wing Gambit

Special Abilities

Inspiration/Panache Pool:9

Mind Fear:
As a standard action, you can expend 1 point of mental focus to cause a living creature to succumb to fear.
The target must be within 30 feet of you, and it can attempt a Will saving throw to negate the effect. If the target fails the save and has a number of Hit Dice less than or equal to yours, it is frightened for 1d4 rounds. If the target fails the saving throw and has a number of Hit Dice greater than yours, it is instead shaken for 1d4 rounds. This is a mind-affecting fear effect.

Necromantic Servant:
As a standard action, you can expend 1 point of mental focus to raise a single humanskeleton or humanzombie from the ground to serve you for 10 minutes per occultist level you possess or until it is destroyed, whichever comes first. This servant has a number of hit points equal to 1/2 your maximum hit point total (not adjusted for temporary hit points or other temporary increases). It also uses your base attack bonus and gains a bonus on damage rolls equal to 1/2 your occultist level. At 5th level, whenever the necromantic servant would be destroyed, if you are within medium range (100 feet + 10 feet per level) of the servant, you can expend 1 point of mental focus as an immediate action to cause the servant to return to full hit points. At 9th level, you can choose to give the servant the bloody or burning simple template (if it’s a skeleton) or the fast simple template (if it’s a zombie). At 13th level, when you take an immediate action to restore your servant, it splits into two servants. You can have a maximum number of servants in existence equal to 1/2 your occultist level. At 17th level, the servant gains a teamwork feat of your choice.

As a standard action, you can expend 1 point of mental focus to summon a servitor.
This ability functions as summon monster I, but you can use it only to summon a single creature, and the effect lasts for 1 minute. At 4th level and every 3 levels thereafter, the level of the summon monster spell increases by 1, to a maximum of summon monster VII at 19th level. You can’t have more than one servitor in effect at a time. At any time, you can expend 1 point of mental focus as a free action to extend the duration of an active servitor by 1 minute.


Reactionary, Hunter's Blood

Name AB Critical Type Range Ammo Dmg
Masterwork Shortbow +1 x2 Piercing 60 feet Arrows 1d6
Name ACB Type Check Penality Spell Failure Weight Properties
+1 Studded Leather
Arms & Equipment

Attack: Shortbow: +9 to Hit, D6+1 damage
Vs Undead: +11 to Hit, D6+3 damage

Class Features

Relic Focus:
A gravedigger can form a psychic bond with a skull or bone that she has personally exhumed or recovered from a burial site, using it as an occultist necromancy implement and gaining its base focus power. The gravedigger cannot invest mental focus into the implement and thus doesn’t receive any resonant powers. However, once per day she can expend one use of inspiration to use any focus power she knows that has a cost of 1 point of mental focus. She can do this an additional time each day at 3rd level and every 3 investigator levels thereafter. To activate a focus power that costs more than 1 point of mental focus, the gravedigger can expend that number of daily uses of this ability (as well as uses of inspiration) at the same time. In addition, any number of times per day, she can expend 1 use of inspiration to use grave words as spell-like ability.

An investigator is beyond knowledgeable and skilled—he also possesses keen powers of observation and deduction that far surpass the abilities of others. An investigator typically uses these powers to aid in their investigations, but can also use these flashes of inspiration in other situations.
An investigator has the ability to augment skill checks and ability checks through his brilliant inspiration. The investigator has an inspiration pool equal to 1/2 his investigator level + his Intelligence modifier (minimum 1). An investigator’s inspiration pool refreshes each day, typically after he gets a restful night’s sleep. As a free action, he can expend one use of inspiration from his pool to add 1d6 to the result of that check, including any on which he takes 10 or 20. This choice is made after the check is rolled and before the results are revealed. An investigator can only use inspiration once per check or roll. The investigator can use inspiration on any Knowledge, Linguistics, or Spellcraft skill checks without expending a use of inspiration, provided he’s trained in the skill.
Inspiration can also be used on attack rolls and saving throws, at the cost of expending two uses of inspiration each time from the investigator’s pool. In the case of saving throws, using inspiration is an immediate action rather than a free action.

Grave Magic:
A gravedigger can sacrifice unused extract slots of the level given below or higher to use the following spells as spell-like abilities, using her investigator level as her caster level and her Intelligence to determine DCs: 1st—expeditious excavation; 2nd—calm spirit; 3rd—speak with dead; 4th—rest eternal; 5th—call spirit; 6th—undeath to death.

Read the Bones
At 2nd level, a gravedigger can perform object reading as an occultist, but only on corpses, bones, and other physical remains.

Grave Lamp:
At 4th level, a gravedigger can form a psychic bond with a lantern, using it as a conjuration implement in much the same way as she uses her relic focus as a necromancy implement. She can expend inspiration to fuel her grave lamp’s focus powers the same number of times each day as she can for her relic focus (for example, a 6th-level gravedigger with 6 points of inspiration could expend up to three uses of inspiration as mental focus for her relic focus and up to three uses of inspiration as mental focus for her grave lamp).

Studied Combat:
With a keen eye and calculating mind, an investigator can assess the mettle of his opponent to take advantage of gaps in talent and training. At 4th level, an investigator can use a move action to study a single enemy that he can see. Upon doing so, he adds 1/2 his investigator level as an insight bonus on melee attack rolls and as a bonus on damage rolls against the creature. This effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to his Intelligence modifier (minimum 1) or until he deals damage with a studied strike, whichever comes first. The bonus on damage rolls is precision damage, and is not multiplied on a critical hit.
An investigator can only have one target of studied combat at a time, and once a creature has become the target of an investigator’s studied combat, he cannot become the target of the same investigator’s studied combat again for 24 hours unless the investigator expends one use of inspiration when taking the move action to use this ability.

Studied Strike:
At 4th level, an investigator can choose to make a studied strike against the target of his studied combat as a free action, upon successfully hitting his studied target with a melee attack, to deal additional damage. The damage is 1d6 at 4th level, and increases by 1d6 for every 2 levels thereafter (to a maximum of 9d6 at 20th level). The damage of studied strike is precision damage and is not multiplied on a critical hit; creatures that are immune to sneak attacks are also immune to studied strike.
If the investigator’s attack used a weapon that deals nonlethal damage (like a sap, whip, or an unarmed strike), he may choose to have the additional damage from studied strike be nonlethal damage instead of lethal damage. If the investigator chose to make an attack with a lethal weapon instead deal nonlethal damage (with the usual –4 penalty), the studied strike damage may also deal nonlethal damage.
The investigator must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach such a spot. An investigator cannot use studied strike against a creature with concealment.

Kill the Dead:
A gravedigger focuses on battling the undead, and her studied combat and studied strike function as if she were 2 levels lower against creatures other than undead (this means she can’t use them at all against such creatures until 6th level).

More than just a lightly armored warrior, a swashbuckler is a daring combatant. She fights with panache: a fluctuating measure of a swashbuckler’s ability to perform amazing actions in combat. At the start of each day, a swashbuckler gains a number of panache points equal to her Charisma modifier (minimum 1). Her panache goes up or down throughout the day, but usually cannot go higher than her Charisma modifier (minimum 1), though feats and magic items can affect this maximum.
A guiding blade uses her panache to inspire her allies to heights of teamwork they could never reach alone. At 1st level, a guiding blade gains a bonus teamwork feat. She gains an additional teamwork feat at 4th level and every 4 swashbuckler levels thereafter.
As a standard action, she can spend 1 panache point to grant a teamwork feat she gained from this ability to all allies within 30 feet who can see and hear her. They do not need to meet the feat’s prerequisites. She can use this ability multiple times to grant multiple teamwork feats. This ability lasts for 3 rounds + 1 round for every 2 swashbuckler levels she has, but if the guiding blade ever fails to have at least 1 panache point, all of these durations end immediately. At 7th level, the guiding blade can activate this ability as a swift action. At 15th level, she can grant two teamwork feats each time she activates this ability, and she can grant any teamwork feats she possesses, not just the teamwork feats she gained from this ability.
A guiding blade regains panache whenever an ally reduces a creature to 0 or fewer hit points, instead of when she herself does so. She still doesn’t regain panache from unattended objects, helpless or unaware creatures, or opponents with low Hit Dice.

Swashbuckler's Finesse
At 1st level, a swashbuckler gains the benefits of the Weapon Finesse feat with light or one-handed piercing melee weapons, and she can use her Charisma score in place of Intelligence as a prerequisite for combat feats. This ability counts as having the Weapon Finesse feat for purposes of meeting feat prerequisites.

Creatures & Mounts

Summoned Skeleton
NE Medium undead
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +0
AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+2 armor, +2 Dex, +2 natural)
hp 21
Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +2
DR 5/bludgeoning; Immune cold, undead traits
Speed 30 ft.
Melee broken scimitar +4 (1d6+2), claw +1 (1d4+3) or 2 claws +6 (1d4+4)
Str 15, Dex 14, Con —, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 10
Base Atk +4; CMB +2; CMD 14
Feats Improved Initiative
Gear broken chain shirt, broken scimitar

Possessions & Property

Masterwork Shortbow
30 Arrows
+1 Studded Leather

The statblocks of your Weapons, armor and other important/magical equipment

The statblocks of your class features

Statblocks for your familiars, mounts etc.

Statblocks for companions, followers and other allies.

Statblocks for your spells.

Statblocks for your Trinkets, businesses, building, castles, empires.

Created by



Pathfinder 1e

Statblock Type

Character Sheet
