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Portable Force Field Projector

Technological Items - Other
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Description :
The Portable Force Field Generator is a small metal disc, about the width of a Canadian dollar but as thick as a modern smartphone. Pulling out a Portable Force Field Generator from storage requires a move action., and activating one requires either a swift action or a standard action depending on what you are doing with it.   When you activate a Portable Force Field Generator you can use it in a variety of ways as described below:   Cover. You can use a swift action to plant the Portable Force Field Generator on the floor or wall within 5 feet of you, doing so projects a small projected barrier made of energy that is 3 feet tall and 15 feet wide. This barrier grants you partial cover while you are ajacent to it. The barrier has 60 HP and 17 hardness. Everytime an attack that misses you while you are ajacent to this barrier, the barrier takes whatever damage you would have taken if the attack had not missed.   Bubble. You can use a swift action to plant the Portable Force Field Generator at your feet or on a surface within 5 feet of you, doing so projects a semi-spherical barrier made of energy that has a radius of 15 feet around the point you planted it on. This barrier grants you cover while you are within its radius. The barrier has 30 HP and 17 hardness. Everytime an attack that misses you while you are within the radius of the barrier, the barrier takes whatever damage you would have taken if the attack had not missed.   Personel Protector. You can use a move action to stick the Portable Force Field Generator on yourself or another willing creature within 5 feet of you, doing so projects a barrier around the person it is placed upon. While the barrier is active, it acts the same as the Green Force Field armour upgrade. This means the barrier provides the creature it is placed upon 25 Temporary Hit Points, these Temporary Hit Points regenerate at a rate of 6 THP per round up to a maximum of 20. It also has a 20% chance of treating a critical hit as a normal attack. If the force field’s Temporary Hit Points are reduced to 0, it is inactive until the end of your next turn, when its fast healing restores some of its Hit Points.   Shield. You can use a standard action to load the Portable Force Field Projector into the special slot built into your gauntlet, when you do so your gauntlet projects a small personal shield that you can use to heighten your AC temporarily. This shield grants you a +2 bonus to your AC or a +3 if you're proficient with shields. The barrier has 100 HP and 17 hardness. Everytime an attack that misses you while you are wielding the shield, the barrier takes whatever damage you would have taken if the attack had not missed.   After being activated in any way, the Portable Force Field Generator lasts for 10 minutes before needing to be recharged, you may also deactivate any of its effects with a swift action. A Portable Force Field Generator takes 10 charges to recharge.

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Statblock Type

Starfinder Equipment
