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Living Breastplate

Aura: Overwhelming Transmutation;  Caster Level:Body Slot: Armor;  Price:Weight:  

Attachment (Ex): Living breastplates deal 1 point of permanent Strength drain.   Item Slot (Ex): Living breastplates attach to the armor slot.   Hardened Shell (Ex): When the living breastplate is worn, the host is considered to have a +8 natural armor bonus, an Armor Check penalty of -1, spell failure chance of 15%, no reduction in speed and a maximum Dexterity bonus of +5. While worn, the living breastplate is considered to take up the armor slot.   Light Fortification (Ex): When the living breastplate is worn, the host gains Light Fortification, as per the armor enchantment of the same name.   Stabilization (Ex): When the living breastplate is worn and the host drops below 0 hit points, the living breastplate will automatically stabilize the host as an immediate action by dealing 1 point of Strength damage. The symbiont will do this automatically without any action from the host and regardless of the host's intention or desire.   Telepathy (Su): A living breastplate can communicate telepathically with its host, if the host has a language.


Created by



Pathfinder 1e

Statblock Type

Wondrous Item
