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Dwarf Astel Monarch

Aura: moderate transmutation;  Caster Level:Body Slot: Shoulders;  Price:Weight:  

Attachment (Ex): Dwarf Astel Monarchs deal 1 point of permanent Wisdom drain.   Item Slot (Ex): Dwarf Astel Monarchs attach to the shoulder slot.   This other worldly insectoid creature looks like a ruffled silk cloak resembling tattered, wispy wings when attached to a creature. Anytime the wearer falls asleep (whether the sleep is natural or brought on by a magical effect), the symbiont immediately transforms into sticky strands that envelop the wearer’s body, hardening into a solid silk cocoon. While wrapped in the cocoon the wearer gains a +4 enhancement bonus to natural armor and is protected from critical hits and sneak attacks as if subject to the heavy fortification armor ability (75% chance for normal damage on a critical hit). The cocoon opens and transforms back into a cloak once the wearer awakens.   Telepathy (Su): A Dwarf Astel Monarch can communicate telepathically with its host, if the host has a language.


Created by



Pathfinder 1e

Statblock Type

Wondrous Item
