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Type Dragon (Drokah)
Ability Score Modifier +2 Str +2 Int -2 Dex
Size medium
Speed 30ft
Language Common, Drokah

Natural Armor: Drokah’s natural scaly skin gives them a +2 to AC.   Tail: You have a large reptilian tail that aids you in all grapple checks. You gain a +2 to grapple checks.

Envoy: If a Drokah has an INT of 11 or higher they gain comprehend language, detect magic,
detect poison, and read magic all once per day.   Claws: Drokah have natural claws that do 1d4 points of damage. Senses: Drokah have low-light vision and dark vision 60ft.   Immunities: Magical sleep effects, paralysis.   Favored Classes: -Fighter: +¼ to BAB. -Sorcerer: +1 to chosen energy resistance (max +10). -Magus: +¼ to arcana pool. -Monk: +⅕ to flurry of blows unarmed strike damage. -Wizard: +½ to caster level checks to overcome spell resistance. -Gunslinger: +¼ to AC with nimble. -Barbarian: +1 to number of rages per day. -Alchemist: +¼ to STR while using a mutagen.   Alternative Racial Traits: -Instead of claws gain a 1d6 Bite. -Lose envoy to gain strike 4/day.   Racial Feats: -Ancestor’s Gift: Choose a color of dragon, gain energy resistance 5 to it's type of breath weapon.   -Ancestor’s Breath: (prerequisite: Ancestor’s Gift). Gain a 1d6 breath weapon per hit dice (max 10) 2/day based chesen type from Ancestor’s Gift.   -Ancestor’s Glide: (prerequisite: AG) grow a pair of gliding wings that allow you to take no fall damage with a DC fly 15 check for every 30ft, additionally you may move horizontally 10ft for every 20 feet you fall.   -One with the Ancestor’s: (prerequisites: Ancestor’s Gift, Ancestor’s Glide, Ancestor’s Breath, base level 10). Breath weapon can be used 4/day, gain a fly speed of 20ft, and energy resistance goes to 10.   -Ancestor’s Strength: Gain +2 to STR and increase your bite or claw attack by 1 die step.   -Ancestor’s Awe: (prerequisite: CHA of 5 or higher) Gain a frightful presence (DC Will save equal to 10+½ character level+CHA modifier) also 1/day any creatures of lower hit dice than you can become the subject of a suggestion spell (caster level equal to your level)   -Ancestor’s Intellect: (prerequisite: ability to cast 1st level arcane spells) 3/day can recall a used spell slot.

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Pathfinder 1e

Statblock Type

Pathfinder Race
