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Graviton Emitter

Armor Upgrade (Heavy, Powered)
Level :
Price :
Bulk :
Hands :
Capacity :
Usage :
System or Slots:
1 Slot
Dose :

Description :
Graviton emitters were designed to operate in zero-G environments to assist in pulling apart or holding together the wrecked hulls of vessels damaged due to ejection from the Drift or collisions with space debris. While the upgrade is a power-hungry device, its miniature tractor array allows for nearly limitless applications.   With a graviton emitter, you can target an object of 50 bulk or less, or a Huge or smaller creature, within 20 feet as a standard action. You move the target up to 20 feet toward or away from you; it can attempt a Reflex save (DC = 13 + your Dexterity bonus) to negate this movement. If this movement would cause the target to move through a wall, object, or another barrier, the target creature stops moving but it doesn't fall prone or take damage. If the movement would push the target off a cliff, into a trap, or otherwise move it into an area of obvious danger, the target can attempt a second Reflex save to stop its movement or be moved into the dangerous space. Movement caused by a graviton emitter does not trigger attacks of opportunity.

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Statblock Type

Starfinder Equipment
