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Agility Enhancer, Mk 3

Armor Upgrade (Light, Heavy)
Level :
Price :
Bulk :
Hands :
Capacity :
Usage :
System or Slots:
1 Slot
Dose :

Description :
This upgrade consists of replacing the hard corners of armor with more expensive flexible materials carefully angled and reinforced to increase mobility without sacrificing protective values. Agility enhancers reduce the armor check penalty of your armor, to a minimum of 0. Some agility enhancers apply only to Acrobatics, while others apply to any skill affected by armor check penalties. The amount depends on the agility enhancer type, as listed below.
  • Mk 1 (Level 1): Reduce the penalty by 1 for Acrobatics.
  • Mk 2 (Level 5): Reduce the penalty by 1 for all skills.
  • Mk 3 (Level 9): Reduce the penalty by 2 for Acrobatics.
  • Mk 4 (Level 13): Reduce the penalty by 2 for all skills.
  • Mk 5 (Level 17): Reduce the penalty by 3 for Acrobatics.

Created by




Statblock Type

Starfinder Equipment
