Aura of Ill Fortune, ???
A creature possessing this feat gains the ability to embolden undead in a 50ft radius around them. As a standard action, all undead within this radius gain the same effects as a Skald's Inspire Rage, but instead of morale the bonus type is profane, the Constitution bonus is instead changed to Charisma, and the Will Save bonus is changed to Channel Resistance. The possessor can do this for a number of rounds equal to 3 + Highest Mental Stat, plus 2 additional rounds for each level after first. At 7th and 13th level, the possessor can start this ability as a move and swift action respectively, and the radius changes to 100ft and 150ft respectively. Maintaining this action on subsequent rounds takes a free action that only requires mental input.
This ability cannot initially be taken as a feat, and must be given through story beats.