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Animate Rope, Greater

Animate a powerful rope to do your bidding.

Transmutation \ \
witch 1-level
Save: none
SR: no

Casting time: 1 standard action
Range: medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Duration: 1 round/level (D)
Targets: one rope-like object, length up to 50 ft. + 5 ft./level; see text
Componenent: V, S


You can animate a nonliving rope-like object. The maximum length assumes a rope with a 2-inch diameter. Reduce the maximum length by 50% for every additional inch of thickness, and increase it by 50% for each reduction of the rope’s diameter by half.   The rope can perform the dirty trick (blind or entangle), drag, reposition, and trip combat maneuvers, using your caster level in place of your Combat Maneuver Bonus, and your highest mental stat in place of your Strength or Dexterity modifier. The rope does not provoke attacks of opportunity for making combat maneuvers. It suffers no penalty or miss chance due to darkness, invisibility, or other forms of concealment. A creature that is entangled by the rope is squeezed at the start of their turns, taking 1d4+HMS modifier in damage. A creature capable of spellcasting that is bound by this spell must make a concentration check with a DC of 15 + the spell’s level to cast a spell. An entangled creature can slip free with a DC 20 Escape Artist check.   As a move action, you can move the rope up to 30 feet.   The rope can enwrap only a creature or an object within 1 foot of it – it does not snake outward – so it must be near the intended target. As long as the rope is within this distance, it can perform any of these actions. A typical 2-inch-diameter hemp rope has 4 hit points, AC 10, and requires a DC 27 Strength check to burst it.

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Pathfinder 1e

Statblock Type

