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Shadow War 1506

Az'Rakon's Uthgardt Physique

Caster becomes Physically Strong

Transmutation \ Polymorph \
Save: None
SR: None

Casting time: 1 Standard Action
Range: Personal
Duration: 10 Minutes/Level; See Text
Targets: Personal
Componenent: V,S,M (Piece of Dried Deer, Bear, or Boar Meat)


The caster consumes a piece of dried meat, imbued with powerful transmutation magic that physically sculpts and changes them. This spell requires the mouth be freed to allow for chewing and swallowing, however it is possible that another person could feed the imbued piece of meat to the caster. If the component is consumed by someone other than the caster, it does nothing.   The spell gives a +10 to Strength or Dexterity, +10 to Constitution, and grants full proficiency with all simple and martial weapons, or a single exotic weapon. They may also wear any type of armor. The caster may then choose up to three combat feats (which must be feasible for the caster to use, and must meet pre-requisites) for the duration of the spell, and are lost after the spell ends (The caster is treated as having a fighter level equal to the caster level). However, while under the effects of the spell, the caster loses all ability to cast arcane or divine spells or activate inherent spell-like abilities, though they may still activate magical items that don't rely on a caster level for activation. The caster may, with exertion of mental will, end the spell effect at any time prematurely.   The spell may not be used with permanency, and all magical effects cast prior to casting (Mirror Image, Blur, Haste, etc.) are dispelled once the transformation occurs. Spells may, however, be cast on the caster after the transformation has taken effect. Staves may not be used, but wands can be activated provided that the appropriate Use Magic Device check is made.

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Pathfinder 1e

Statblock Type

