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Replacement Series

Watery Sphere

4-level Conjuration

Casting Time 1 action
Range 90 feet
Duration Concentration, Up to 1 minute
Components V, S, M
Materials A drop of water

You create a swirling ball of water in a 10-foot radius at a point on the ground or in water you can see within range. Any creature that enters the sphere on its turn or starts its turn in it must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be restrained and trapped within the water. At the start of each of its turns, a restrained target can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on a success. A Huge or smaller creature partially within the sphere makes its saving throw with advantage, while a Gargantuan creature automatically succeeds.   As an action, you can cause the sphere to roll up to 30 feet, carrying all restrained creatures with it and dousing all nonmagical flame it passes through. If this causes a creature in the sphere to collide with a creature outside it, both creatures take 4d6 bludgeoning damage. Restrained creatures are not affected by any terrain the sphere passes over.   As a bonus action, you can hurl a restrained creature out of the sphere. It is thrown 20 feet in a direction of your choice and takes 4d6 bludgeoning damage. If it collides with another creature, that creature must make a Dexterity saving throw or take 4d6 bludgeoning damage.   When the spell ends, creatures restrained by it fall prone and it extinguishes all fires within 20 feet. The water disappears afterward.

Class(es): Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard

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