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Replacement Series

Infernal Calling

5-level Conjuration

Casting Time 1 minute
Range 60 feet
Duration Concentration, 1 hour
Components V,S,M
Materials (a vial of blood and 665 gp worth of incense)

You recite a profane chant to summon a devil, which appears in an unoccupied space that you can see within range. The devil's challenge rating is at least 4 and no higher than 8. The DM chooses the devil’s type, and it is under the DM's control. If you know a devil's true name or possess its talisman, you can attempt to summon that devil regardless of its challenge rating.   The devil typically resents being summoned but will not harm you for the duration. On each of your turns, you can command it. It obeys orders it considers reasonable and fights ruthlessly, but will retreat to preserve its life and rank.   After 10 minutes, the devil can ignore your commands and might choose to remain and pursue its own goals. You may attempt to reason with, persuade, or strike a deal that aligns with its interests. If you maintain concentration for the full duration, you may return the devil to whence it came, otherwise, it remains summoned indefinitely.
At higher levels: When you cast this spell 6th level or higher, the devil's possible challenge rating increases by 2 for each level above 5th.

Class(es): Warlock, Wizard

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