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Custom Magic Item

The Watcher's Chamberstick

Aura:Caster Level: 15;  Body Slot:Price:Weight: 3 lbs. 

The rim of this cold iron chamberstick is inlaid with small, unpolished spherical rubies. It will hold a standard candle and function as a normal chamberstick. A DC 30 Spellcraft check is required to identify the magical properties listed below.   Once per day, when the command word is spoken and a spell with the light descriptor is cast on the chamberstick, a misty 3"-diameter orb appears above the candle holder. To those surrounding the chamberstick, the sphere appears to be a window on an unfamiliar vista. A DC 15 Knowledge (Planes) check is required to determine that the sphere is a window to the Dreamlands.   If the orb is touched, an unmoving, transparent, 20ft-diameter sphere (as Tiny Hut cast by a 15th level wizard) forms around the person holding the chamberstick. This effect persists for 2 hours/level. Half of the sphere projects above the ground, and the lower hemisphere passes through the ground. The space inside the bubble is part of the Ethereal plane and all of the creatures inside are Ethereal for the duration of the effect. Any creature inside can pass freely into and out of the Ethereal hut. However, if the chamberstick is removed, the effect ends. The sphere is opaque to creatures on the Ethereal plane, but they can't pass through it. Ethereal weapons, missles, and most spell effects can pass through the hut without affecting it, although the occupants cannot be seen from outside the hut (they have total concealment). Though the opaque exterior surface of the hut is visible on the Ethereal plane, a view of the Dreamlands is projected on the interior surface. The inhabitants of the hut cannot see what's going on outside the hut. There is a 5% chance (1 on a d20, 1d20 ) that a creature from the Ethereal plane will be trapped in the bubble, unable to escape until the effect ends or the chamberstick leaves the hut. If a 1 is rolled, Roll d100 1d100 and consult the table below to determine what's in the Ethereal hut.  

Roll Creature Quantity
01-20 3d4 Zoogs 3d4
21-40 1d2 Nightgaunts 1d2
41-50 Phase Spider 1
51-60 Nightmare Dragon, Young 1
61-70 1d2 Xill 1d2
71-80 Animate Dream 1
81-90 Gug 1
91-98 Night Hag 1
99 Moon Beast 1
100 Proto-Shoggoth 1
  The dreamscapes of sleeping mortals can be viewed if something from their body (hair, blood, etc.) is placed on the drip tray before the chamberstick is activated. If the chamberstick is activated within 100ft feet of a sleeping mortal, their dreamscape can be viewed, as well. However, overlapping dreamscapes tend to take on a nightmarish quality and require a Will save DC 20 to avoid becoming Shaken or Frightened (if the check is failed by 5 or more).


Created by



Pathfinder 1e

Statblock Type

Wondrous Item
