Hit Points
Hit Dice: d8 per Eyeseeker level
Hit Points at first Level: 8+your constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: +1d8+your constitution modifier
Armor: Light;
Weapons: Simple weapons;
Tools: -
Saving Throws: Intelligence, Wisdom;
Skills: Choose 2 from: Arcana, Acrobatics, Stealth, Sleight of Hand, Investigation, Religion, Nature, History;
Overview & Creation
In a cavernous deep dwelling, with no escape from the monsters of this realm, you see a dim light. The creatures are coming closer. You run to it, hoping for an escape from this rocky, wet prison, but in your foolishness you stopped. The light was not what you thought, it was just a white crystal. In your horror, a wisp called you “I can help…” fading away. Eyes had started to appear in the darkness, the roaring sounds of crunching teeth and stone scratching made you fell back, touching the crystal. You heard the wisp again louder “Good…” and light exploded from within the crystal. “Now lets get you out of this mess…”
“Knowledge is power” and so he is. He knows everything and everyone in this town. He sees secrets ( personal or not ) that he can use against the people that’s why he is the all powerful.
He with his fancy crystal can’t be stopped from controlling us, even those who don’t care about their secrets have no chance, because of his magic beyond the deep eyes of his god.
Class Features
-Power: Your crystal is like a battery, it is consumed when you cast spells at different levels.
Spell Level |
Consumption |
Cantrips |
10% |
1st |
20% |
2nd |
30% |
3rd |
40% |
4th |
50% |
5th |
60% |
6th |
70% |
7th |
80% |
8th |
90% |
9th |
100% |
Something Within: If the crystal is consumed, then you must charge it. The crystal will recharge 10% every hour.
Clarity: After you've used the
Eyeseeker Crystal, your mind has gotten clearer. When you reach 1st level, and again at 6th, 11th, 16th, 20th level, your wisdom ability score increases by 2.
Ranks: you choose to have a new rank in society. You can choose one of the
ranks listed at subclass options. This allows you to have spells from the chosen rank. You can ignore the material components of the known spells. Look at the class table.
The All-powerful's Eyes: The crystal influences your eyes. When you reach 3rd level, and again at 10th and 17th level you can choose to double the proficiency bonus in perception, arcana, investigation. If not proficient in the chosen one, you gain proficiency. If you can't double again the proficiency bonus.
Ability Score Improvement: When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th,16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1, or take a feat of your choice. As normal, you can't increase your ability score above 20 using this feature.
Indecisive : At 5th level, you can make a creature that has to decide upon two or more things/actions, to get confused and not do any of them or to make him think for 1 hour straight about the decisions that he must make. The creature has to make a wisdom saving throw higher than 6+your wisdom modifier.
God's Will: At 7th level, you consume half of the necessary power for every spell you cast.
Mind Reader: At 10th level, you get the ability of reading a creature's mind. The creature must succeed on a wisdom check higher than your spell save DC.
God's Blessing: At 15th level, you consume 1/4 of the necessary power for every spell you cast.
The Follower of the Deep One: At 20th level, the god can manifest himself trough you, helping you in different situations. At the start of a new day, choose one of the 3 powers below to use for the that day. You can have only one of them at a time:
Power: Your spells do triple damage, the additional damage is considered psychic damage. All psychic damage dealt to a creature restores that amount of HP.
Brute: You gain additional temporary hitpoints equal to your current HP. Your AC gets +5 points. Your melee attacks deal additional damage equal to 2d8 multiplied by your wisdom modifier
The Eye: Your crystal transforms into Its great eye. All creatures that look into it must succeed on a wisdom saving throw equal to your wisdom or be cursed. Roll a d100 for the curse table. This can be done just once for every creature. The curse can't be broken by spells.
d100 |
Curse |
01-03 |
Every 1 hour the creature grows an eye on his body |
04-06 |
The creature transforms into an octopus |
07-08 |
Everything the creature touches calcifies |
09-10 |
The creature's eyes fall out of his eye sockets |
13-15 |
The creature gets -10 points in wisdom |
16-17 |
Forgets all the languages he could speak. |
18 |
His head explodes or one of them |
19-20 |
Every minute the creature takes 4d10 psychic damage ( you take that much health back ) |
21-22 |
His eyes glow with the brightness of an lantern |
23-24 |
His head transforms into a fish |
25-26 |
The creature is banished into the deep seas next to It |
27 |
The creature's body crystallizes slowly for 10 minutes till it's fully crystallized |
28-30 |
Every 10 minutes the creature changes his alignment, at random. |
31-32 |
The creature starts burning from inside taking 3d8 fire damage every turn |
33-34 |
The creature can talk only to sea creatures |
35 |
The creature can never die and his intelligence and wisdom gets reduced every time he is injured by 2 |
36-37 |
Every time the creature opens his eyes is struck by lightning |
38-40 |
The creature sees eyes everywhere and his wisdom is reduced by 7 |
41-42 |
The creature transforms into a phantom |
43-44 |
The creature's arms change into tentacles |
45-46 |
Every time the creature sleeps is transported somewhere random |
49-50 |
The creature stinks like dead fish |
51 |
The creature disappears in a parallel dimension |
52-54 |
When the creature talks his skin changes in fish scales |
55-56 |
The creature transforms into a baby kraken |
57-58 |
The creature can't live on the surface |
59-60 |
The creature's flesh melts away and stays alive afterwards as a skeleton |
61-62 |
When the creature drinks something it gets poisoned |
63-64 |
All weapon it uses rust away |
65 |
Every minute is an year for the creature |
66-67 |
The creature starts following your god and tries to go to him |
68-69 |
The creature's hands are always covered in mimic glue |
70-72 |
The creature forgets everything |
73-74 |
The creature's bones transform into crystals and pierce his flesh, eventually dying |
75-76 |
The creature's hair or fur change in tentacles |
77-78 |
All the creature's stats go down by 5 |
79 |
The creature transforms into salt water |
80-82 |
The creature can't interact with reality |
83 |
The creature transforms into a rock |
84-85 |
The creature goes crazy and seeks to destroy the world |
86-88 |
The creature has disadvantage at all the rolls |
89 |
Salt water kills the creature |
90 |
The creature can't decide anything |
91-92 |
The creature is always frightened by everything |
93-95 |
The creature turns undead |
96-97 |
The creature is blinded by any light |
98-99 |
The creature transforms into an Eyeseeker Crystal |
100 |
The creature casts all its known spells on himself |
Starting Equipment
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your backround:
-(a) club (b) light crossbow with 20 darts;
(a) explorer's pack (b) dungeoneer's pack
-Eyeseeker Crystal, fine clothes;
Spellcasting Ability: intelligence;
Spell Save DC= 8+your intelligence modifier+your proficiency bonus;
Spell Attack Bonus= your intelligence modifier+your proficiency bonus;
You begin with one of the three cantrips listed below:
Casting Time:1 action
Range: 30 ft.
Components: V
Duration: 10 minutes
You can see through any wall you want, but not further than 5 feet.
Lighting Surge
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: touch
Components: VS
Duration: instantaneous
You feel how electricity runs through your veins the moment you touch a creature, it will take 1d6 lighting damage. You can stack up to 3 charges.
Magical Help
Casting Time: 1 action
Components: V
You feel a magical entity helping you in your actions giving you an extra 1d4 on skill checks or saving throw.
Subclass Options
High Priest
As you look through the Eyeseeker Crystal darkness grows more and more on you and light enters your body, illuminating your eyes and making them pure white. Your wisdom increases with 4 and the limit of 20 is ignored, but you can't increase it again.
No Words: At 3rd level, you can look in a creature's eyes inducing an idea that you choose. You must have eye contact with it.
Look Into The Eyes of The Light: At 7th level, any creature that looks into your eyes has to make a wisdom saving throw higher than 6+your perception+proficiency bonus or get blinded for 10 minutes.
Knowledge of Power: At 10th level, your crystal's charging rate increases by your intelligence modifier + 5%.
Light Seeker: At 12th level, your crystal will get 20% per hour of its energy back, if it's in a lighten area.
Blind Eyes: At 14th level, all creatures that got blinded by you can be controlled one at a time. The creature has to make a wisdom saving throw higher than your spell save DC. This will use one action.
Sunshine: At 18th level, all creatures in a radius of 50 ft are blinded for 10 minutes. It consumes the whole energy of the crystal.
Special spells
At 2nd level
Always Behind
Casting Time: 1 reaction
Components: V,S
Duration: Concentration, 5 hours
When a creature tries to hit you, from anywhere, an explosion of light will form behind him and deal 2d8 damage. At higher levels the damage increases with a 1d8 for each spell level.
At 5th level
Light Beam
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30ft
Components: S
Duration: instantaneous
Level 2 spell. A beam of light shoots out of your crystal to a creature of your choice. On hit it does 3d12 damage. At higher levels the damage increases with a 1d12 for each spell level. The creature has to make a wisdom saving throw higher than your
At 6th level
Blinding touch
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Range: touch
Components: S
Duration: 5 minutes
Level 3 spell. Any creature you touch gets the blindness effect. Ignores resistance and immunity is considered resistance.
At 8th level
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30ft
Components: V
Duration: 20 minutes
Level 3 spell. You create a sphere with a radius of 20 ft where all the light disappears for the duration of the spell. Darkvision is useless in the sphere.
At 10th level
Light Up
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Range: 40ft
Components: V
Duration: 30 minutes
Level 4 spell. You create a sphere with a radius of 25 ft where all the darkness disappears for the duration of the spell. All creatures with darkvision are blinded for the duration of the spell and sensible at light take 2d6 damage and are blinded for the duration of the spell.
At 12th level
Light Rope
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30ft
Components: S
Duration: 20 minutes
A rope of 50 ft made out of light appears in the range of the spell and can be controlled by the caster. The rope can raise up to 5000 lbs.
Your hit dice changes to d12 and get proficiency in athletics, martial weapons and heavy armor.
If you already have proficiency in athletics you can double it. You are capable of casting
paladin spells.
Crystal Body: Crystals start to grow on your body making you stronger and more resistant. You gain resistance in 1 at 3rd level,2 at 6th level, 3 at 9th level, 4 at 12th level and 5 at 15th level type/types of damage you choose.
Brute Force: At 3rd level, your body gets stronger every time you get more wisdom. Your strength is always equal to your wisdom and gain proficiency in strength.
Crystal Eyes: At 5th level, you can see through your crystals wherever they are. Including the Eyeseeker Crystal, the crystals that grow on you or other crystals created by you.
No Trickery: At 9th level, you have advantage in all insight checks, if you already have advantage in insight you immediately pass the check.
Eye-To-Eye: At 13th level, You can see through the eyes of one creature you see. This can't be used again until the next hour.
Heat Recharge: 14th level, you can heat up your crystal resulting in charging it equal to 10+your constitution modifier+your proficiency bonus%/hour.
Crystal Master: At 18th level, you gain the ability to create a crystal golem. It's a large construct made out of crystals, having 19 AC and 60(8d12+12)HP. Its characteristics are similar with an stone golem. It will respect every order given by its creator. You can have only two at a time. When you create a new golem the oldest is destroyed.
Special spells
At 2nd level
Power Surge
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: self
Components: S
Duration: instantaneous
Level 1 spell. Right when you put your hand up, you feel how the electricity within the Eyeseeker Crystal goes through your body. After you let your hand strike the ground an impulse of electricity forms an orb of energy with a 30 feet radius. Any creature that is enveloped by the energy takes 1d8 damage. At higher levels the spell gains a 1d8 for each spell level.
At 4th level
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: self
Components: S
Level 2 spell. When you touch a creature, 5 % of its body transform into crystal in the location you touched it, taking 5% of its HP. The crystal can be cut from the body or if you touch it again with the spell in the same location (-5%), gets back the 5% HP taken.
At 8th level
Pocket Air
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30ft
Components: S,V
Duration:1 minutes
Level 3 spell. You create a bubble of air with a diameter of maximum 5 feet. The bubble has two states closed (nothing can enter or leave, the dm will determine for how long you can breathe in it) and opened (everything can enter in it). The bubble can be used as armor +10 at your current AC.
At 10th level
Field of Protection
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: self
Components: S
Duration: 1 minute
Level 4 spell. You create a shield with a radius of 15ft around you. Nothing can pass the barrier until you stop it or the spell it's over.
At 12th level
Crystal Wall
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 20ft
Components: S
Level 5 spell. You create a 5ft x 20ft x 10ft wall made out of crystals. The wall has 120 HP and 17 AC. The wall will break when its HP gets to 0 or if you create another one. Any creature that touches or attacks the wall takes 3d6 piercing damage.
At 15th level
Crystal Weapon
Casting Time: 1 hour
Components: S
Level 6 spell. You can create any type of weapon you know. The maximum amount of weapons you can create is determined by your dexterity modifier, not less than 1. The weapon deals extra 10 damage.
At 17th level
Crystal Forest
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: self
Components: V,S
Duration: 1 minute
Level 9 spell. All creatures in a 30 ft radius area are considered gripped by the crystals that grew around them (half of their heights). If a creature tries to move, it will take 6d8 slashing damage. Each crystal structure has 50 HP and 13 AC. You can free a creature if you make a special sign on the crystal structure (you decide).
A vague noise is coming from your crystal, you put your ear to hear it better. As you put your ear on the crystal a worm like creature enters in your head through your ear. You feel pain then nothing. A voice starts to talk with you in your mind saying that he will provide you power and he will be your true partner never trusting other creatures. You can now cast warlock spells according to the Spells Known table plus Eldritch Blast ( doesn't have consumption ), any damage dealt to a creature will recharge your crystal half of the damage dealt.
Minor Understanding of Languages: At 2nd level, your crystal can provide you the translation of 4 other languages unknown to you (chose by you) and some of the words from other ones (decided by the DM).
Soul Eater: At 5th level, your crystal can suck the energy of
living creatures to recharge its power. This will provide 5% very small (2 minutes), 10% small (10 minutes), 20% medium (30 minutes), 40% large(50 minutes) and 80% huge (1 hours). The creature must stand still for the duration of the process. In the end the creature will die transforming into gray dust.
Listen: At 6th level, you can look in a creature's eyes and whisper a one word command. It must succeed on a wisdom saving throw higher than your wisdom, while having eye contact with it.
Mindbender: At 7th level, you gain proficiency in Deception, Intimidation and Persuasion.
Don't lose it: At 9th level, your Eyeseeker Crystal will let you see through its eye, wherever it is.
Do you see: At 11th level, you can make an illusion in a creature's eyes making it think that there is something/somebody somewhere in front of him. This lasts 10 minutes and can be done just for one creature at a time.
Illusionist: At 15th level, you have advantage at every deception and sleight of hand check, if you already have advantage the action is considered successful.
Life Taker: At 16th level, your crystal can absorb the energy of the life around it (if there are living creatures around it). The crystal has +10% for its recharge.
It's Calling Me: At 17th level, your damage type spells now deal double the amount.
I've seen It: At 18th level, your crystal has +your proficiency bonus% for its recharge.
Special spells
At 2nd level
Low Speak
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: self
Components: S
Duration: 2 hours
Level 1 spell. You form a sphere with a radius of 15 feet from where no noise will leave it.
At 5th level
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 25 ft
Components: S,V
Duration: 1 minutes
Level 2 spell. Thousands of little blue fire sparkles shaped as eyes appear on the flour in a radius of 15 feet. Any creature that steps in the circle must make a dexterity check equal to your spell save DC, if it succeeds it will take half of 4d6 fire damage, At higher levels you deal an additional 2d6 damage for each spell level.
At 9th level
Mind Scramble
Casting Time:1 action
Range: 30ft
Components: S
Duration: 20 minutes
Level 5 spell. After you make the right hand movements for the spell, the eyes of the creature you chose light up for a second, its mind is scrambled, changing its alignment into a random one determined by the DM. After the spell is over the creature takes 2d8 psychic damage and becomes
paralyzed for 10 minutes.
At 12th level
Phantom Strike
Casting Time: 1 action
Components: V
Duration: 10 minutes
Level 6 spell. You can walk through any wall till the spell ends. At higher levels you add 10 minutes for each spell level.
At 17th level
Magic Eater
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30ft sphere
Components: V,S
Duration: 2 minutes
Level 9 spell. Any spell cast in the range of the spell will be eaten by it. After the spell ends a blue plasma beam will target a creature of your choosing and take 4d12 x the amount of spells eaten.
Level | Abilities | Cantrips | 1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | 6th | 7th | 8th | 9th |
1st | Power, Something Within, Clarity | 2 | 1 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
2nd | Minor Understanding of Languages | 2 | 1 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
3rd | The All-powerful's Eyes, No Words, Crystal Body, Brute Force | 2 | 2 | 1 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
4th | Ability Score Improvement | 2 | 2 | 1 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
5th | Indecisive, Crystal Eyes, Soul Eater | 2 | 4 | 2 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
6th | Clarity, Crystal Body, Listen | 3 | 4 | 2 | 1 | - | - | - | - | - | - |
7th | God's Will, Look Into The Eyes of The Light, Mindbende | 3 | 4 | 2 | 1 | - | - | - | - | - | - |
8th | Ability Score Improvement | 3 | 4 | 2 | 1 | 1 | - | - | - | - | - |
9th | Crystal Body, No Trickery, Don't lose it | 3 | 4 | 3 | 1 | 1 | - | - | - | - | - |
10th | Mind Reader, The All-powerful's Eyes, Knowledge of Power | 3 | 5 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 1 | - | - | - | - |
11th | Clarity, Do you see | 4 | 5 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 1 | - | - | - | - |
12th | Ability Score Improvement, Light Seeker, Crystal Body | 4 | 5 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | - | - | - |
13th | Eye-To-Eye | 4 | 6 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1 | - | - |
14th | Blind Eyes, Heat Recharge | 4 | 6 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 1 | - | - |
15th | God's Blessing, Crystal Body, Illusionist | 4 | 6 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 2 | - | - |
16th | Clarity, Ability Score Improvement, Life Taker | 5 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 1 | - |
17th | The All-powerful's Eyes, It's Calling Me | 5 | 7 | 6 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 1 | - |
18th | Sunshine, Crystal Master, I've seen It | 5 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 1 |
19th | Ability Score Improvement | 5 | 7 | 6 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 1 |
20th | Clarity, The Follower of the Deep One | 5 | 7 | 7 | 6 | 6 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 2 | 2 |