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Thunderstomp, Greater

Trip opponents in a zone with magical combat maneuver

evocation [earth] \ \
bloodrager 1, druid 1, magus 1, ranger 1, sorcerer/wizard 1-level
Save: No
SR: Yes

Casting time: 1 standard action
Range: 18m
Duration: instantaneous
Area: 18m in line
Targets: All creatures along the line of effect
Componenent: V, S


This spell functions as thunderstomp, except as noted, and it affects all creatures in the area, regardless of size. When you attempt the combat maneuver check, apply its result to each creature within the area.     Text for "thunderstomp":   You stomp your foot or strike your weapon against the ground or floor, creating a ripple of power that you can use to trip a creature. Attempt the combat maneuver check to trip the target, but instead of your base attack bonus you can use your caster level, and instead of your Strength modifier you can use your spellcasting ability score modifier (Intelligence for magi and wizards; Wisdom for druids and rangers; Charisma for bloodragers and sorcerers). This does not provoke an attack of opportunity. This spell has no effect if you cannot reach the ground or floor, or if your target is not in contact with the ground or floor.

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Pathfinder 1e

Statblock Type

